Day 157

11:50 PM Posted In , , Edit This 1 Comment »

This is the only picture that has anything to do with me in all the pictures that my roommate has taken of "our" new apartment. (Yes, that is a shot glass with butter in it. I melt it to put on my popcorn). Why? Because all of the other ones are of her and her boyfriend. He's on the couch, they're cooking dinner (a picture with a caption--"our first meal")...even though I'm sitting right next to them.

I really and truly don't mind if he's here. I knew he would be, and from last year, I'm used to having significant others around fairly often. What's different between this year's roommate and last year's roommate, however, is that he lives here. He sleeps here, has clothes here (I'm pretty sure), showers here (at least a couple times that I know of), eats dinner here, does homework here. Does that sound like living here to you? It does to me.

Again, I really don't mind that he's here. But, for instance, he has done laundry here. That's my water bill what I am paying for. He's taking advantage of all the amenities of an apartment--a private kitchen, for example, which the dorm he lives in does not have-- but he is not paying for them. There is a difference between visiting often and living. He is living, and not contributing anything. He is apparently incapable of putting anything in the dishwasher, for instance. He's diabetic, and has to drink a lot of juice. However, he doesn't reuse the same glass, so they just build up next to the sink. My roommate isn't much better about it, and while I know I'm not her mother and shouldn't clean up after them, I don't want to get ants from sugary juice left in a glass for days. Also, we alternate taking the trash out, and my roommate didn't want to do it, so she asked her boyfriend. His response? Why should I, it's not my place. If you're not going to help pay for things, the least he could do is help keep it clean.

Of the two weeks and a half weeks I have spent in my apartment, I have spent one of them with just Emma, if I'm not by myself. She's one of my good friends, but we don't get to have any time alone. There's no "girl talk", because there's a guy around. I understand that he has become her best friend, especially after last year when this is how they lived. She stayed in his dorm every night because it had a private bathroom, she didn't get along with her own roommate, and because, of course, she wanted to spend time with her boyfriend. I get it. But, seriously, this violates the terms of our lease. We can't have anyone "visiting", for over a week. After that, that person is technically living with us, and we're not supposed to have third roommate.

I know I should talk to her about it, but it's a touchy subject. I told her I didn't mind if he came over (which I don't), and I don't want her to feel like I never want him here again, which just isn't true. But when I said I didn't mind if he was here, I didn't realize that meant every single night. I also don't want things to be awkward between us, or for her to get mad at me. I don't do well with conflict, and I'd hate to live with it. But if I want a girl's night, I have to schedule it. In my own house.

Don't get me wrong, I love my roommate, and I'm glad I'm living with her. I just needed to vent for a bit =]

Day 156

10:15 AM Posted In , , Edit This 1 Comment »

Hello world, my name is Mr. Wiggles, and I live in Stephanie's bathroom.

I have a new member of my family! I've bought myself a teddy bear hamster. It's not quite the rabbit I had in mind, but he's adorable and I love him already. I put him in my bathroom mostly because I didn't have anywhere else for him to go, but also so I can close the door to block out noise/smell. He went through several names. I originally thought Gizmo, but he doesn't look like a Gizmo. Then there was Gus-Gus, Angus, Fat Louie, Sir Poops A Lot... and then Mr. Wiggles!

Day 155

4:10 PM Posted In , Edit This 1 Comment »

I finally moved into my apartment! I actually moved in last Friday, but today was the first day of class so there are just all kinds of new beginnings. This is my living room, or one view of it, anyway (I picked the one that didn't show the white couch that I don't really like).

This is our kitchen. I didn't get to choose the wallpaper, unfortunately, and it's a little loud. I also expected to really hate the table (yellow 50s era Formica), but it turned out to be really cute. Yesterday, I even baked a potato yesterday. And a pie! Which is a big deal for someone who doesn't cook.

I really love my bedroom. It feels exactly like the one I have at home, so I'm really comfortable there. Not to mention, that's the furniture I used when I was little, so it's like reliving my childhood! I even have a TV in it, which I've never had before.

And I have my own bathroom! No more dorm community bathroom! It's kind of small, but I don't have to wear flip flops in the shower or carry my shampoo with me.

So this is my humble home. It's so nice to have a place that's separate from school--I don't live, eat, and go to school in the same little area.

Day 154

5:15 PM Posted In , , Edit This 2 Comments »

My GOD I have a lot of clothes. I figured out the full extent of that today when I started the daunting task of tackling my wardrobe to pack it up for the apartment. I'm entirely too lazy to fold, pack, unfold, and hang back up in my new closet. Instead, I got a whole bunch of new hangers (black and green) to take with me that I'm going to put my clothes on. I'll just throw them in the car and hang them up when I get there. Now, most people wouldn't be as anal as me about what hangers they take with them. I want all plastic hangers though (no wire hangers!) and roughly the same color. This means re-hanging most of my wardrobe. Yes, I'm crazy.

I didn't realize exactly how much stuff I've accumulated over the years. I've taken a lot of my t-shirts out, folded them, and put them in drawers/in boxes in the attic to make room for other things. But even after that, I had 42 t-shirts hung up. 42, just in my closet! I have 11 Old Navy tank tops, 10 pairs of jeans (I had more but took them to Plato's Closet earlier this summer), 25 short sleeve shirts, 8 camisoles, and 6 cardigans. Holy crap! When did I get all this stuff?! I don't remember going on a massive shopping spree. I don't even remember going shopping all that often. I'm in college--my money goes towards food, textbooks, and massive amounts of caffeine. Did the clothes fairy pay me a visit in my sleep?

After all that though, my closet is actually organized for one of the few times in my life (at least until I move all of it on Friday). It's not in color order, because I'm not quite that OCD (Miranda), but it's separated into long sleeves, short sleeves, t-shirts, dresses, skirts, shorts, trousers, jeans, cardigans, sleeveless, tank tops, and camisoles. In the way back is all the stuff I'm not taking with me (there's not much of it). In honor of this, I decided to document this momentous occasion by taking a picture. It'll probably never be like this again.

Day 153

10:20 PM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »

Today was the ultimate lazy day. I spent the night at a friend's house last night (sadly because I'm addicted to her Nintendo DS. I want one and the Rhythm game!), and in the morning I came home to a nice, homecooked breakfast. Then I took a nap on the couch for an hour and took a shower.

After the shower, I gave my dog a bath. I painted a couple of picture frames. I watched Legally Blonde 1 and 2. I made and ate dinner. Now I'm watching Shark Week on the Discovery Channel (best TV week of the year). I'm seriously considering doing my nails.

That's it. That's all I did all day. And it was awesome =] This is what summer's about.

And my mom bought me a euro sham! Good day.

Day 152

3:26 PM Posted In , , , Edit This 0 Comments »

Over the course of two months, I wrote and researched 80 pages for my two study abroad classes, 30 of which was in the past two weeks--over three times the length of my senior thesis and in about half the time. But now, I am happy to say...


And I have to say, it feels pretty amazing. I can get up and just do whatever I feel like. I don't have to spend hours researching or trying to BS my way through a 15 page paper.

So now, I'm watching Australia with my mom while we pack up all the crap I'm taking with me to my apartment. I forgot what an amazing movie this is--anyone want to take a trip to the Outback with me? (And I don't mean the restaurant). Also, I'd really like to marry Hugh Jackman. Think his wife would mind?

I'm about to go start the daunting task of packing my clothes, which will probably take me the rest of the week. And I have no idea how I'm going to transport them all. Or maybe I'll just head up to the outlets and buy more...why deal with the problem when I can just add to it?
