Day 157
11:50 PM Posted In apartment , boyfriend , roommate Edit This 1 Comment »This is the only picture that has anything to do with me in all the pictures that my roommate has taken of "our" new apartment. (Yes, that is a shot glass with butter in it. I melt it to put on my popcorn). Why? Because all of the other ones are of her and her boyfriend. He's on the couch, they're cooking dinner (a picture with a caption--"our first meal")...even though I'm sitting right next to them.
I really and truly don't mind if he's here. I knew he would be, and from last year, I'm used to having significant others around fairly often. What's different between this year's roommate and last year's roommate, however, is that he lives here. He sleeps here, has clothes here (I'm pretty sure), showers here (at least a couple times that I know of), eats dinner here, does homework here. Does that sound like living here to you? It does to me.
Again, I really don't mind that he's here. But, for instance, he has done laundry here. That's my water bill what I am paying for. He's taking advantage of all the amenities of an apartment--a private kitchen, for example, which the dorm he lives in does not have-- but he is not paying for them. There is a difference between visiting often and living. He is living, and not contributing anything. He is apparently incapable of putting anything in the dishwasher, for instance. He's diabetic, and has to drink a lot of juice. However, he doesn't reuse the same glass, so they just build up next to the sink. My roommate isn't much better about it, and while I know I'm not her mother and shouldn't clean up after them, I don't want to get ants from sugary juice left in a glass for days. Also, we alternate taking the trash out, and my roommate didn't want to do it, so she asked her boyfriend. His response? Why should I, it's not my place. If you're not going to help pay for things, the least he could do is help keep it clean.
Of the two weeks and a half weeks I have spent in my apartment, I have spent one of them with just Emma, if I'm not by myself. She's one of my good friends, but we don't get to have any time alone. There's no "girl talk", because there's a guy around. I understand that he has become her best friend, especially after last year when this is how they lived. She stayed in his dorm every night because it had a private bathroom, she didn't get along with her own roommate, and because, of course, she wanted to spend time with her boyfriend. I get it. But, seriously, this violates the terms of our lease. We can't have anyone "visiting", for over a week. After that, that person is technically living with us, and we're not supposed to have third roommate.
I know I should talk to her about it, but it's a touchy subject. I told her I didn't mind if he came over (which I don't), and I don't want her to feel like I never want him here again, which just isn't true. But when I said I didn't mind if he was here, I didn't realize that meant every single night. I also don't want things to be awkward between us, or for her to get mad at me. I don't do well with conflict, and I'd hate to live with it. But if I want a girl's night, I have to schedule it. In my own house.
Don't get me wrong, I love my roommate, and I'm glad I'm living with her. I just needed to vent for a bit =]