Day 168

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Today... well, today was an interesting day.

Let's start with the back story:
Yesterday, I got a flat tire (on the tires I just got a month ago). Not just a slightly flat tire, oh no, I mean the rim was sitting on the ground and the tire was just a rubber pool underneath it. I, of course, have no idea how to change a tire and was completely useless. Fortunately, Randa's dad has a towing company, and he sent someone out to put the spare on for me--after being stranded at a friend's apartment for about 6 hours.

So today, my dad came out to Athens to get everything fixed up. He took me out to lunch, yelled at the stupid tire guys who put an off-brand kind on instead of Bridgestone, bought a new one to replace the one that I apparently ripped to shreds, and sent me on my way.

I went to my College Republicans meeting and then went back to my apartment to have a quiet night of reading and watching TV.

Then, there's a knock on the door. I open it and am told that I am being kidnapped, so I need to go get my shoes and jacket. It is apparently not acceptable that I haven't seen Toy Story 2, so my wonderful friends came to force me to go watch the Disney 3D Toy Story and Toy Story 2 double feature. I have to say--if this is what kidnapping usually involves, it should happen more often.


Greener Bangalore said...

Disney 3D Toy Story !!! well sounds interesting......lemme wait for it now :)