Day 139

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This is my dog, Snoopy. There's nothing particularly special about him today, but this picture was taken on my new digital camera!

As you might've read earlier, I was going to go with either the Canon Powershot or the Sony Cybershot. However, when I got to Best Buy today, they didn't have the specific version of either camera that I wanted, so I bought the Nikon Coolpix instead. Now, the camera I have now is also a Nikon Coolpix, just a much earlier version of it. I love that camera, but it's just outlived its expiration date, only turning on when it feels like it. I'd hate to get to England and my camera be in a bad mood!

The new one has 10 megapixels and a 5x optical zoom! It also has VR & ISO 3200, but I have absolutely no clue what that means. I also got a package deal with a 4GB memory card, an extra lithium-ion battery, and a camera case all for 50 bucks, instead of the $100 it would've cost had I bought it separately. So yay for good deals!

I also saw the Night at the Museum sequel. Great movie! Very funny, and something the whole family can enjoy. The new Terminator is pretty awesome as well - not nearly as cheesy, now that Arnold's not in it. I recommend both =]

Days 135-138

10:34 PM Posted In , Edit This 1 Comment »

I was in Destin. But was I at the beach? No. No, I was not at the beach. You know why? Because I was in the middle of a tropical depression.

The picture is not of a river. That is a picture of what is supposed to be a storm drain. It just looks like a river.

Day 134

11:12 PM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

Well, I'm headed to Destin again in the morning. Yes, I just got back, but that trip was with a friend, and this one is with my family for Memorial Day weekend. Because of that, I won't be posting for the next few days. I'd love to, really, but there's no internet at our condo unless I sit on the big rock in the parking lot. That usually leads to getting ants up my pants, since they happen to like that rock, and I don't think the internet is worth that much!

Today I spent the day doing... not much. I got up, went to breakfast with my dad, came home, and watched TV/played around on the internet. After a while, I got motivated and cleaned out the computer room/guest room, which had all of my stuff from my dorm that was not being used as well as bags of clothes that I no longer wear.

I went to a friend's house for a little while during the afternoon to give her a poster she wanted. I ended up staying two hours watching episodes of season 2 of Big Bang Theory, which is a new favorite show for me. If you haven't seen it, it's pretty funny - watch it =] If I was a man and slightly more neurotic than I am now, I would be a member of the cast. Maybe that's why I like it so much...

Now I'm off to pack for the beach, which I've been putting off all day. I don't know why, because it will only take me a half hour, but I'm really wishing I had some Harry Potter-like magic powers that could just bippity boppity boo it all in the suitcase for me. But I can't put it off anymore... wait! I have to take a shower. So yes I can!

Day 133

12:44 AM Posted In , , Edit This 2 Comments »

I have a dilemma. My apartment complex allows small pets, as in hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, snakes, lizards, etc. My original plan was to get a hamster, but I really want something that I can actually play with, so I thought I'd get a bunny. I've been going back and forth between the two for weeks. I took my mom to the pet store, and we found a bunny, a mini rex (shown above), that we both fell in love with. The cage is big enough for the rabbit, but small enough that I could have it on the floor of my bedroom. I really want a rabbit.

The pet store guy said that so long as the cage was big enough, having one in an apartment would be fine. Several people have told me that rabbits smell stongly, though, and I don't want me room to smell bad. However, the internet has told me that so long as I change the hay/bedding stuff regularly, it won't be a problem. I'm worried that it'll chew things too... but I want a bunny!

But maybe I should get a hamster. I've had one before, when I was younger, so I already know what they entail. But now that I'm on the whole rabbit kick, I don't really want one anymore. I may as well get a stuffed bear. But it would be better than nothing...

I just don't know which one to choose!

Days... Well, Lots of Days

9:34 PM Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »

I have to say, summer is incredible. I've been AWOL for a while, and I apologize. I haven't really been up to much. I finished finals and got my grades back. I earned my first B in my life: a B+ in my Latin American history class. Honestly, I don't even care. I'm just glad to get out of that class!

I also moved back home. I haven't unpacked everything yet, so our guest room is full of boxes, bags, and some other miscellaneous items, but regardless, it's really nice to be back in my bed and have my own bathroom. Never again will I have to live in a dorm!

This past weekend I went to Destin, FL with one of my friends from Thursday to today, Monday. She's married and pregnant, her husband about to deploy overseas, so this was a last hoorah for her before she enters mommy-hood. We both had a really good time - I got enough sleep that I actually started waking up at 8:30. On my own.

I'll be leaving again for Destin on Thursday for Memorial Day with my parents to go see my grandmother. At this rate, I won't be blending in with all the pale British people after all!