Day 133

12:44 AM Posted In , , Edit This 2 Comments »

I have a dilemma. My apartment complex allows small pets, as in hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, snakes, lizards, etc. My original plan was to get a hamster, but I really want something that I can actually play with, so I thought I'd get a bunny. I've been going back and forth between the two for weeks. I took my mom to the pet store, and we found a bunny, a mini rex (shown above), that we both fell in love with. The cage is big enough for the rabbit, but small enough that I could have it on the floor of my bedroom. I really want a rabbit.

The pet store guy said that so long as the cage was big enough, having one in an apartment would be fine. Several people have told me that rabbits smell stongly, though, and I don't want me room to smell bad. However, the internet has told me that so long as I change the hay/bedding stuff regularly, it won't be a problem. I'm worried that it'll chew things too... but I want a bunny!

But maybe I should get a hamster. I've had one before, when I was younger, so I already know what they entail. But now that I'm on the whole rabbit kick, I don't really want one anymore. I may as well get a stuffed bear. But it would be better than nothing...

I just don't know which one to choose!


Randa said...

Hey, buddy!

Personally, I'd go with the hamster. Bunnies do smell - BAD. Like cats, you can never really get the smell of bunny out, especially since their poop is so small and they poop all the time.

Plus, with school and your activities, you wont be there all the time and the bunny is going to have to get out of the cage for a couple of hours every day while the hamster is happy as a clam playing on a wheel or sleeping.

Plus, can you really play with a bunny? Can you make it fetch or anything? Seems like it's only just a bigger version of a hamster. Truth of the matter is, bunnies don't do much - the hop around, eat, and poop. Occasionally they'll chew on things. At least with a hamster, you can get a really cool looking cage and watch it freak out and run up and down. A bunny just hops. Whoop-de-do.

I know you really want a bunny - as your formal roommate, I think I know more than most.


But bunnies aren't as fun as they are cute. They're kinda boring. And they smell a lot. I mean, a hamster smells, too, but not as bad and is just easier. Plus, if you get the hamster, you can take Kathleen's so she'll stop bugging people about it.


Good luck on your decision!

J.J. in L.A. said...

I had 2 mice when I was a kid (not at the same time). They were small, cuddly and cute. I think a rabbit needs too much attention and are too big to 'play' with much.

The baby bunnies we had a couple weeks ago were adorable...but they were a LOT of work.