Day 177

1:11 AM Edit This 3 Comments »

Do you ever get the feeling that no matter how hard you try at something, you'll never be good enough? No matter how many times you tell someone something, they'll never believe you? You try. You really, really do. You give all you can. You try to balance out all the aspects of your life. But no matter what, no matter how much you give up or how much you try to satisfy everyone, you can't make everyone happy. And then you get stressed, and you think about it all the time, but you can't think of a solution. You tell someone something over and over and over again, but they don't believe you. They'll never believe you. So why bother? What's the point?

Or do you ever try so hard to see someone, even though they don't seem to have the time of day for you? You've known the person for years, consider them one of your closest friends. But for some reason, they don't seem to care anymore. Again, you try. You give them a call, you send them a message, but nothing seems to work. You begin to grow apart, and no matter what you try, you can't seem to get the person to respond. To make the time for you. Even though you're only five minutes down the road. And it hurts your soul to know that you're doing all you can, but it's just not good enough. It's not good enough to save a friendship that means more to you than the world.

Damn it, there's only so much a person can take. And it's just not fair.

In other news, I saw Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein tonight. I highly recommend it.

Day 176

3:31 PM Posted In Edit This 2 Comments »

I HATE Apple. Hate it. Hate it, hate it, hate it.

A couple days ago, I started walking after school. I tried running, but realized I'm way too out of shape for that, so, for now, I'll walk--3 miles total, from my apartment to Five Points in Athens and back. It helps if I have upbeat, fast-paced music because I figured out that I walk at the same tempo of the song (thank you, marching band). To make my walking easier and more fun, I made a "work out" playlist in iTunes to put on my iPod. I plugged in the USB cable to add the playlist to my iPod, and... nothing. Even though my laptop recognizes that my iPod is connected, iTunes doesn't. It won't pop up under "devices", won't do... anything.

So, I turned to the internet. I tried all they suggested: I reset the iPod, put it into disk mode, uninstalled and reinstalled iTunes, restarted my computer, all of it. And still, nothing. I've looked all over the Apple website, and none of their suggestions worked. So, finally, I decided to talk to customer service, and that was just the cherry on top.


I apparently do not qualify for free phone support, so for the small price of $29, I can purchase a single incident plan so I can just talk to one of their illustrious Apple Experts. Gee, I didn't realize how important their time must be!

So, I'm going to have to drive down to the Apple Store at the Mall of Georgia--about an hour away. If they tell me I have to pay to have it looked at, I'm going to take a rusty spoon, scoop someone's eyeballs out, and crush them. Then, I'm going to pour salt into their eye sockets. And you know what? I'll enjoy every blessed minute of it.

Day 175

5:14 PM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

This is Frankfurt and Beanerschnitzel. Also known as Frank and Beans (Frank is the all orange, and Beans is the white and orange fluffy one), my roommate's new kitties! She brought them to live with us at our apartment, and they're adorable. Best part--I get to live with kitties. I get to play with kitties. I get to watch kitties as they do all their ridiculously cute kitty-like things. But do I have to clean the litter box? Feed them? Give them baths if they jump in a cake or dip their paws in paraffin wax? No. No, I do not. And that is what makes the kitty-roommationship absolutely fantastic.

Other than our new house guests, not too much is new. Randa has decided to de-sister from our sorority, leaving me alone to handle the pledge babies. I'm taking over her position as Pledge Educator, since I was the assistant last semester. What does this mean? I get to babysit the new girls for ten weeks, from day one until they are initiated. I don't particularly want to be the Pledge Educator, but I'll be damned if I work under someone new, who's never done any of this before. So I'll step up, but Miranda gets to hear all about it--every complaint, every time I need to vent. I think of it as a condition for her scurrying off.

Also, I think I've found where I'm going to live next year. It's a townhouse, 2 bedroom and 2.5 bath, which will be nice because then when someone comes over they won't all have to parade through my slightly messy bedroom to get to the bathroom. Instead, there will be a separation between public space (downstairs) and private (upstairs). Not to mention the HUMASSIVE bedrooms. And patio. And storage shed. And front porch. It also happens to be less than what I'm paying now, and... even better... lacking a certain someone who's name starts with an E and is currently sharing my apartment.

Let's see... anything else to report? The Boy and I are having dinner tonight. I felt like making myself chicken, and then I realized I felt like having an actual meal tonight (as opposed to something that I throw together at the last minute), with baked potatoes, bread, green beans, and dessert. It's not fancy, but it's more of a meal than I usually make myself. I figured since I was cooking all that for me, I may as well cook for him. We also both realized, while at the grocery store, that today is our one month anniversary. One month, I know, not a huge deal, but hey, it's a reason to celebrate. Here's to hoping that I don't poison either of us!

What's new with you?

Day 174

3:32 AM Posted In Edit This 1 Comment »

So.. my blog has apparently been un-commentable for a while. Sorry guys! I got bored one night and changed the layout, but I don't have any idea what I'm doing in HTML, so I didn't know the comment part didn't work. Therefore, I have changed it back, and I believe everything works? Please feel free to leave me any comments you wish on the things I've posted since the HTML debacle. I promise to read and respond to all of them!

In other news, what you see above is my fancy schmancy new phone. I realized, when I went to take a picture of it, that my camera is in my car, and therefore too far away for me to go get. And, since I can't take a picture of my phone with my phone, I googled to find a suitable replacement. Mine has a red gel case on it (although I'm getting a blue one, with flowers! soon). It was a sad day to switch from the RAZR, but hey! I can get internet on my phone now! And the touch screen is actually really easy to use.

Also, Happy New Year! I haven't made my list of resolutions yet, so my official "Yay, it's 2010!" post will have to be next time. This was mainly an apology for not allowing you, my wonderful readers (all 11 of you), to comment.