Day 174

3:32 AM Posted In Edit This 1 Comment »

So.. my blog has apparently been un-commentable for a while. Sorry guys! I got bored one night and changed the layout, but I don't have any idea what I'm doing in HTML, so I didn't know the comment part didn't work. Therefore, I have changed it back, and I believe everything works? Please feel free to leave me any comments you wish on the things I've posted since the HTML debacle. I promise to read and respond to all of them!

In other news, what you see above is my fancy schmancy new phone. I realized, when I went to take a picture of it, that my camera is in my car, and therefore too far away for me to go get. And, since I can't take a picture of my phone with my phone, I googled to find a suitable replacement. Mine has a red gel case on it (although I'm getting a blue one, with flowers! soon). It was a sad day to switch from the RAZR, but hey! I can get internet on my phone now! And the touch screen is actually really easy to use.

Also, Happy New Year! I haven't made my list of resolutions yet, so my official "Yay, it's 2010!" post will have to be next time. This was mainly an apology for not allowing you, my wonderful readers (all 11 of you), to comment.


Lacey said...

I was wondering what was going on with the comments thing! I had it narrowed down to my own lack of patience, lol.

Ooooh... neat phone!