Day 175

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This is Frankfurt and Beanerschnitzel. Also known as Frank and Beans (Frank is the all orange, and Beans is the white and orange fluffy one), my roommate's new kitties! She brought them to live with us at our apartment, and they're adorable. Best part--I get to live with kitties. I get to play with kitties. I get to watch kitties as they do all their ridiculously cute kitty-like things. But do I have to clean the litter box? Feed them? Give them baths if they jump in a cake or dip their paws in paraffin wax? No. No, I do not. And that is what makes the kitty-roommationship absolutely fantastic.

Other than our new house guests, not too much is new. Randa has decided to de-sister from our sorority, leaving me alone to handle the pledge babies. I'm taking over her position as Pledge Educator, since I was the assistant last semester. What does this mean? I get to babysit the new girls for ten weeks, from day one until they are initiated. I don't particularly want to be the Pledge Educator, but I'll be damned if I work under someone new, who's never done any of this before. So I'll step up, but Miranda gets to hear all about it--every complaint, every time I need to vent. I think of it as a condition for her scurrying off.

Also, I think I've found where I'm going to live next year. It's a townhouse, 2 bedroom and 2.5 bath, which will be nice because then when someone comes over they won't all have to parade through my slightly messy bedroom to get to the bathroom. Instead, there will be a separation between public space (downstairs) and private (upstairs). Not to mention the HUMASSIVE bedrooms. And patio. And storage shed. And front porch. It also happens to be less than what I'm paying now, and... even better... lacking a certain someone who's name starts with an E and is currently sharing my apartment.

Let's see... anything else to report? The Boy and I are having dinner tonight. I felt like making myself chicken, and then I realized I felt like having an actual meal tonight (as opposed to something that I throw together at the last minute), with baked potatoes, bread, green beans, and dessert. It's not fancy, but it's more of a meal than I usually make myself. I figured since I was cooking all that for me, I may as well cook for him. We also both realized, while at the grocery store, that today is our one month anniversary. One month, I know, not a huge deal, but hey, it's a reason to celebrate. Here's to hoping that I don't poison either of us!

What's new with you?