Day 59
12:27 AM Posted In paper , spring break Edit This 2 Comments »
This is what a paper in progress looks like. Lots of notecards, open book, papers, half a bottle of Mr. Pibb, and, although you can't hear it, my Native American pan flute music (I know it's weird... but I can't listen to anything with words, or I won't focus, I'll sing). I also took out the Play-Doh for a bit to give me something to play with while I read through my textbook, but I put it up about an hour ago.
I've been stressing about this paper for most of the week. It doesn't help that I got my Mexican sports and modernity paper back today, and it was an 87, which I don't consider a success. I just don't get B's on papers. Tests, sure, but writing has always been my strong point... although apparently, it wasn't the writing itself but the argument I gave, which says to me that I can spin a good story but can't think worth a crap. Obviously, this doesn't put me in a good to write yet another paper. I did get an email today, however, saying that the deadline has been extended from tomorrow at the beginning of class until Monday at noon by email. My professor is amazing! Sure, it means I'll have to spend part of my spring break working, but that's alright, because it means I don't have to come up with 6 pages worth of material by tomorrow morning. If I could've done the Highland fling, I would have =]
There's only one class left between me and Spring Break. It doesn't even matter that I have to write while I'm in Utah - that's only at night, when we wouldn't be doing much anyway, and I won't have to do homework or read or actually go to class and I'll be able to sleep... oh I just can't wait. Unfortunately, I have to pack my stuff here, drive home, unpack when I get there, do laundry, repack, and write some more tomorrow.
But... in 26 hours and 28 minutes, I will be leaving for the airport. I can't wait!
Have fun in Utah! : )
Yay!! Have fun!
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