Day 169

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Happy Halloween! Well, belated Halloween. This is my super awesome pumpkin that I carved, as well as the tasty chocolate candy Miranda and I made.

This year, I wasn't particularly interested in anything I saw at Party City, and I didn't want to spend an arm and a leg buying a costume (especially since said costume would then look funny with one leg/arm missing). I racked my brain for days for something I could be that I could just make at home or use things that I already had--and then I realized I'm an idiot. Easiest costume in the world? Biker. My parents are bikers and have tons of stuff, so the only thing I had to buy was a leather skirt (which turned out to be a "pleather" skirt made out of 90% PVC and 10% polyurethane. I was a walking flammable pipe.). I went to the annual Halloween party my sorority throws in my biker costume--it was a lot of fun!

For the actual Halloween night (the party was on Wednesday), I was at home. This week is Fall Break. I'm pretty sure it will always be Halloween weekend because Halloween weekend happens to coincide with the GA/FL football game, which is always held in Jacksonville, since it's neutral ground, and they want to allow everyone to drive down. So, we get Friday off, giving me a three day weekend. I get out of class at noon on Thursdays, so I was home by about 1:30, giving me a three and a half day weekend. I spent it doing absolutely nothing. And it was amazing.

I did dress up to hand out candy with one of my friends, using my Greek goddess costume from last year. She was a cat. Now I'm sitting in my apartment, gearing up for another busy week. I was also sick earlier this week--didn't go to class Tuesday because of a 100 degree fever. I'm better now, although my throat is still sore and I have a lot of sinus drainage. Hopefully a lot of drugs will cure me!