Day 182

3:42 PM Posted In Edit This 2 Comments »

Today is one of those days when I really, really hate my roommate. For the most part, since the last time I wrote about our issues in the fall, things have been quiet. We learned to coexist, to an extent, even if anything resembling a friendship has long since passed.

Today, when I got back after being home for a few days, there was a little note on my door saying that it was my turn to empty the dishwasher and take out the trash. Now, under normal circumstances, I would be fine with that. However, I have been ridiculously busy for the past month, so I haven't been home--to cook or make trash. I rarely eat at home, much less cook, so my contribution to these dishes in the dishwasher? One coffee mug, one water glass, and a spoon. I don't exactly use trash in the kitchen very often either, I mostly use the one in my bedroom, which I empty myself. So the mountain of garbage that was sitting in our utility closet? Yeah, not mine.

Now, when this girl makes trash, she doesn't just put it in the trashcan. Anything big--like milk cartons, OJ containers, pizza boxes--gets put next to the trashcan. They recently bought a blender, so the empty blender box was full of all the larger things that they had gone through recently, and it was even spilling over the sides. I, on the other hand, had one milk carton. One. And it was a half gallon. To even get this stuff outside to the dumpster, I had to use a whole other large trash bag, which means we're out of them. Since I bought this box of trash bags, it means that it's her turn to buy them. We'll see if she actually does.

Normally I don't mind this whole switch off thing of taking turns emptying the trash and the dishwasher. However, in the beginning of the semester, she NEVER did any of it! Never mind that she's never even lifted a duster and the vacuum cleaner only once, when there was a bug on the floor that she didn't want to touch, but she did this same thing to me for months. She didn't even have the excuse of being busy because it's not like she has a social life or anything. She's always there. And yet, now that I have been a little busy and haven't had time, that is apparently unacceptable.

I am counting down the days to when we won't be living together anymore. Sixty-eight days until the end of finals, and I assume (or hope) that she leaves for the summer. One hundred and fifty-two days until the end of our lease. I think I can make it.

Day 181

12:09 AM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »

This is my new computer! It's a 14" Sony Vaio with a Core i3 processor. It has 4GB of RAM and a 500GB hard drive. There are lots more specifications, of course, but I have no idea what any of them means. I know that I can play the Sims on it, it has Bluetooth, and it works. I have completely Stephanie-ized it--Google Chrome has a flowers theme and Shaun White is my background. I have to say, it's nice to just have the dang thing and not have to worry about it anymore!

I'm still getting used to it. The buttons are a little more spaced apart on the keyboard, so typing feels a little odd. I don't know what some of the buttons do--(what does the Vaio button do?? Or the Assist button? What is Evernote?) But I'm confident I'll figure it out. I thought Sony laptops weren't very good, but according to the sales associates, Sony is one of their best products. Since the Boy was with me, who used to work at that Best Buy, I trust them--he hooked me up with the non-sketchy sales people, who wouldn't try to screw me over.

I also got a pink wireless mouse to go with it, and with the extended warranty plan (which would let me drop it in a pool, and they'd have to fix it), it only cost about $130 for the whole thing. Thank you, Best Buy no-lemon policy (if you bring it back 4 times, they'll junk your computer out as a lemon. Then you get a new one, pretty much free of charge.) Even after all the stressing... I kinda like this one =]

And yes, I know, I'm slacking on Valentine's Day pictures. BUT, I will soon have ALL of my pictures off of my external hard drive permanently stored on the new laptop, and then will promptly (well... I do have two tests and am going to an Atlanta Thrashers hockey game this week. So as soon as I can) post pictures and share about them. Really. I will.

Day 180

2:08 PM Posted In Edit This 4 Comments »
So I found my camera, but it's not currently with me. I will write about Valentine's Day--promise! Because I know that you're all eager to hear about it =]

This post is about something else entirely--computers. I can't remember if I wrote about this or not, but my beloved Dell XPS died. The mother board on it crashed, so I took it to Geek Squad. Fortunately, I have a service plan with them, so they were able to ship it off to be fixed. In the mean time, Dad has been meaning to buy a laptop for the family for a long time, so he bought be a mid-range Asus to tide me over until mine came back, and he would use it when I got my Dell back.

A month later, and it comes back to the store. They ran a few tests on it to check for integrity, and, lo and behold... it wasn't okay. To make up for things, the guy overnighted it back to Computer-Fix-It-Land. A week goes by, and I didn't hear anything from them. Finally, I got an email saying I need to call my local Best Buy because they needed some additional information from me. When I called, they informed me that my laptop had become a "junk-out"--basically the computer version of a totaled car. The cost of fixing it was higher than the value of the laptop, so the guy told me I could come into the store and pick out a new laptop for the same price as my old one, which is, with tax, roughly $1100.

Now, you would think that with that chunk of change, I could find something really nice that I liked. Well, you think wrong. Because I have store credit, I have to go with what Best Buy offers. In this price range, they offer: Dell, HP, Sony Vaio, Asus, Toshiba, Apple, and Gateway.
Here is my problem:
  • I refuse to buy another Dell. I loved the one that I had, but it was the top of the line, and it still messed up. What does that say about the cheaper ones?
  • I know several people whose HPs have died right after the warranty was up. I also had a rather expensive HP printer crap out on me after only a year or two. No HP for me.
  • I've been told that Sony Vaio is alright, but it's really not that reliable and is overpriced.
  • I like the Asus, but I'm not sure I really want another one. I don't have a problem with the machine I'm on now, but... I don't know. I'm just not blown out of the water by it.
  • Toshibas, I've heard, are fairly decent computers too. The problem is that I can't find one at Best Buy that I like--they either have awesome battery life, but are 8 lbs, or they're light and sound good...with a 2 hour battery life.
  • I'm scared of getting a Macbook. I've always been a Windows girl, and I have NO idea how to use a Mac. Also, I would have to install Windows because most law school technology runs off of Windows XP.
  • Gateways are dinosaurs. The end.
No matter which computer I look at, there's something about it that I don't like. With my XPS, there was NOTHING wrong... well except for that pesky motherboard problem.

What do you think?

Day 180

9:27 AM Posted In , Edit This 2 Comments »
So I can't find my camera (it's been lost somewhere in my bedroom... or maybe my car... or possibly my purse?), but I promise I'll post pictures when I find it. I will. Really.

Anyway, this weekend I celebrated Valentine's Day, along with the rest of the world. I have to say, it might be my best one yet (considering I actually had a significant other for this one).

Friday, it snowed about 5 inches, which, for Georgia, is a BIG deal. Everyone freaks out--they go to the grocery store to get supplies and drive 5 mph even if there's no ice on the road. Kids go sledding when there's just barely a dusting on the ground. It's amusing (not that I'm any exception to this...). Although, to be fair, I refrained from playing around in the snow until about 11 PM, when there was a more respectable amount on the ground.

I also watched The Collector, a movie from the people who made Saw IV, V, and VI. That alone should've warned me what I was in for, but no, I watched it anyway. And OH MY GOD--it made my stomach turn. The premise for this movie is that a guy breaks into a home to steal a giant ruby from inside a safe because the family is supposed to be gone. But when he gets there, someone has taken the family hostage. He's rigged the entire house so that anything that could be considered a weapon and all the exits are booby-trapped (in the most horrible ways you can imagine).

For instance, one exit (next to an upstairs window) has glue in front of it so you can't make it to the window. But the glue also happens to be acid--so when the family cat gets stuck in it, the glue starts to eat away at the poor thing while it's still alive. When Mr. Kitty finally gets unstuck and makes it to the window to get out, a giant blade cuts it in half. Anyone else think that's wrong on about 600 different levels?

Anyway, the thief then has to try to save the family while remaining unseen and undetected by the scary man.

If you feel like watching a really gory, horrifying, opposite-of-anything-happy movie, I would recommend The Collector. But it's definitely not for the faint of heart.

I'll expand upon my Valentine's Day activities when I have my camera and can have pictures to go with everything. Until then, you'll just have to wait!

What did you do for Valentine's Day? Watch any good horror movies?

Day 179

9:41 PM Posted In Edit This 2 Comments »
163! I got a 163!

For those of you who don't know LSAT scores, that puts me in the 92nd percentile. Without studying. On my first try. With that score, I could get into UGA Law, Emory Law, University of Alabama Law, and UNC at Chapel Hill Law. To get into Vanderbilt, I'll need a 168, and for Georgetown, I'll need a 170.

After actual studying, my score will go up. For the first time, I'm thinking... I could actually do it. I could go Ivy League.

Day 178

11:24 AM Posted In , Edit This 1 Comment »

At this very moment, I am sitting in the UGA library, patiently waiting for the little numbers on the clock to say 12:00 PM. Why, you may ask? Well, this past Saturday I took a practice LSAT, which is the admissions exam for law school (like the SATs, but ten times harder and WAY more important). At noon, the Kaplan Center opens (they administer the test), and I can pick up my scores.

I went into this test with absolutely NO preparation whatsoever. I wanted to see what my base score was, so I would not exactly what I needed to work on, what my strengths are, and to just get a idea of what I'm facing. I have no clue how well (or how badly) I did. No idea. But I'm still really, really nervous.

I know it's just a practice test. But the thing about the LSAT is this: it's not like the SAT. In high school and while applying to college, a good GPA could counterbalance a poor SAT score, because the SAT score is a standardized test used to measure how much you've learned over the course of your education. The LSAT, however, is different--it shows your aptitude for thinking like a lawyer. A good GPA will demonstrate that you're a good student. But a bad LSAT score can mean that you just don't have the mental capacity to think like an attorney needs to, so I could have a 4.0, and it wouldn't matter.

What if I do get a low score? I don't have a backup plan to law. I know that's not the greatest idea, but I honestly don't know what else to do with my life. A history degree is useless, really, unless I want to go into teaching (which I definitely DON'T). If I can't think like a lawyer... how could I succeed in it?

I'm probably just being paranoid, especially since I didn't study for it at all. But still. It's a pretty nerve-wracking thing.

OH! And I found a different apartment that I want to live in. It's GORGEOUS... and also $50 more than I pay now.

The other place I was looking at is a 2 BR/2.5 bath townhouse. It has a working fire place, storage shed, built in bookcases, and a dining room. The bedrooms are humongous. However, it's also older, and each of them have been updated differently. There's a master bedroom and a regular one, with the bathroom in the regular one having a stand-up shower that's really tiny, instead of a full bath (which I believe would lead to an interesting situation with figuring out who gets which room...). This new place was once a 4 bedroom apartment that has been remodeled within the last couple years. It has a private study. A walk-in closet. A huge bathroom. It is also in a better location, close to public transportation (which my hopefully future roommate will be needing), has a clubhouse/pool/weight room, and modern, stainless steel appliances. And did I mention it's pretty? I want to live there.

I just hope that I can convince my father to pay more and that my roommmate (if she decides to live with me) can afford it too.