Day 180

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So I can't find my camera (it's been lost somewhere in my bedroom... or maybe my car... or possibly my purse?), but I promise I'll post pictures when I find it. I will. Really.

Anyway, this weekend I celebrated Valentine's Day, along with the rest of the world. I have to say, it might be my best one yet (considering I actually had a significant other for this one).

Friday, it snowed about 5 inches, which, for Georgia, is a BIG deal. Everyone freaks out--they go to the grocery store to get supplies and drive 5 mph even if there's no ice on the road. Kids go sledding when there's just barely a dusting on the ground. It's amusing (not that I'm any exception to this...). Although, to be fair, I refrained from playing around in the snow until about 11 PM, when there was a more respectable amount on the ground.

I also watched The Collector, a movie from the people who made Saw IV, V, and VI. That alone should've warned me what I was in for, but no, I watched it anyway. And OH MY GOD--it made my stomach turn. The premise for this movie is that a guy breaks into a home to steal a giant ruby from inside a safe because the family is supposed to be gone. But when he gets there, someone has taken the family hostage. He's rigged the entire house so that anything that could be considered a weapon and all the exits are booby-trapped (in the most horrible ways you can imagine).

For instance, one exit (next to an upstairs window) has glue in front of it so you can't make it to the window. But the glue also happens to be acid--so when the family cat gets stuck in it, the glue starts to eat away at the poor thing while it's still alive. When Mr. Kitty finally gets unstuck and makes it to the window to get out, a giant blade cuts it in half. Anyone else think that's wrong on about 600 different levels?

Anyway, the thief then has to try to save the family while remaining unseen and undetected by the scary man.

If you feel like watching a really gory, horrifying, opposite-of-anything-happy movie, I would recommend The Collector. But it's definitely not for the faint of heart.

I'll expand upon my Valentine's Day activities when I have my camera and can have pictures to go with everything. Until then, you'll just have to wait!

What did you do for Valentine's Day? Watch any good horror movies?


Michael said...

I like how you talk about gory things when you started out talking about Valentine's Day. What a diversion, indeed, hahaha.

I did nothing for Valentine's Day, and I haven't seen any good horror movies lately, which bums me out as horror is my favorite genre. But I'm definitely going to put The Collector on the list of movies I really need to see.

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P.S. I made a new blog with a friend of mine, please check it out! Pretty please?

J.J. in L.A. said...

I'm stuck in bed but my man came over to remove my house phone/answering machine and install my Wii console.

Exciting stuff!