Day 186
1:58 PM Posted In apartment , six flags Edit This 2 Comments »This is Frank. Frank is one of the most epically cute cats on the planet. He also has a small fascination with bathrooms--here, he is in my shower, and he once fell in my toilet.
I'm going to miss Frank. You know why?... I signed a lease at my dream apartment! A friend from Oxford knew a girl who was in a similar roommate situation as me, so we decided to live together. It's always iffy, living with strangers, but she seems cool. I'm not looking for a best friend, just someone who is easy to get along with and who isn't insane.
We signed at the place with the huge walk-in closets and private studies that were remodeled a year or two ago. Can we say fabulous? (Pardon my Sex and the City moment, this place just excites me!) Furthermore, I get to decorate according a little more to my taste, which is another big plus.
In other news...
I'm going to Six Flags on Saturday. Now, I feel like Six Flags is a universally-known theme park. If you've never heard of it, it's amazing and I recommend that you go. My favorite part is, of course, going on the roller coasters. I used to be terrified of them until one of my friends convinced me to go on Batman (which is still my all-time favorite). Now I like all of them! Well, except the Ninja, but that's only because it actually hurts to ride it. I'm also a big fan of the giant swings because I like to feel the air between my toes =]
The Boy and I are thinking of buying season passes for the summer. It costs $45 to go for one day, and right now, the passes are only $49.99. So really, if we go twice (which we plan to do), then the passes pay for themselves. I could also then finally pay back my good friend and former roommate, who let me use quite a few of her "take a friend for free" tickets that come with the passes.
That's an update on my life for now. What's new with you? It has been gorgeous for the past few days in Georgia--I laid out by the pool yesterday! Have you been enjoying the spring weather?
Cute kitty! My man has a cat who likes to watch the water disappear when he flushes the toilet. But put him in the shower (no water) and he freaks out.
Hope you enjoy your new apartment and especially your new roommate!!!
I've had medical issues since 10/19/09 so my life sucks right now. *sigh*
lol cute cat looks like mine! =p my cats name is Cyndy and shes 9years old
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