Day 197
10:19 AM Posted In school Edit This 1 Comment »· Thoughts during my Maymester class:
o I swear the clock moves slower in class. Do professors have the ability to bend time? I’m sure they do. It’s the only way this class could possibly take this long. It’s only been 45 minutes… two hours to go.
o My Lord I’m hungry. I don’t get it. I ate breakfast this morning, but I think breakfast only makes me hungrier. I wish we could take a break so I could eat a cereal bar or something.
o I have a headache right in the middle of my forehead and around my ears. How random is that?
o The girl in front of me is really tan. I wish I was really tan. Not so orange-y, like her though. I’m pretty sure her color comes from fake n’ bake. She’ll probably get skin cancer one day.
o I wonder if the guy next to me is gay. Not that I have anything against him, I’m just wondering. Sometimes he comes in looking straight. Today, however, he does not. I need better gaydar.
o I would like some yellow Gatorade.
o How does one get up to leave the classroom gracefully and unnoticed to go to the bathroom when you sit across the room from the door?
o All desks should come with a footrest.
o Why is it so cold in here?
o I’m so glad college doesn’t have a dress code. It would be really obnoxious to have to wear either jeans or shorts that came to my knees. Here’s to Soffees and a t-shirt!
o Man, I’m hungry…
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Mini out
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