Day 53

11:08 PM Posted In , Edit This 2 Comments »

Bulletproof weave? Yes... it exists. I discovered this thanks to my always entertaining Logic discussion class =]

Today was a really disgusting day outside, and I was very happy to have my cute, yet functional, rainboots. It was just as much fun to drive in as it was to walk in! Gotta love the weather.

I am currently very full of fried chicken and Italian cream cake. I have no desire to move off of the couch, but Lord of the Rings on TNT is almost over, after which I think I'll make myself go to bed. Only... bed is so very far away, and the couch is so very comfy. Maybe I'll just sit here a little while longer....

One week til Spring Break!

Day 52

1:24 AM Posted In , , Edit This 4 Comments »

It took every ounce of willpower I possess not to buy one of these. They're the biggest ones I've ever seen... but they were 6 bucks a piece, and even I'm not that crazy. But still... these squishy spike balls (technical term) are some of the best stress relievers ever invented. Until you bust it open anyway.

I took my Latin American history midterm today. Thank God! I am sick to death of neocolonialism and hegemony. I think I did well... I might've messed up one of the essays, but overall I felt like I knew the material.

In German, we started talking about professions and various jobs. So my professor went around the room, asking what we each wanted to do with our lives. People said teachers, authors, politicians... and then she got to me, and I said I wanted to be a lawyer. She seemed really surprised, and asked me if that's what I really wanted to do - have to work every single day, have no family, live alone, and have no fun. But she didn't say anything like that to the two guys in my class who want to be lawyers! I was really offended. I thought she realized that I have a good work ethic and am a dedicated student. I do well in her class, one of the few people who does so. Maybe just because German isn't my life, she thinks I'm unwilling to work. And who says I can't have a career and a family? Women everywhere do just that... my mother, for example, works every day practically babysitting dozens of professors and hundreds of students, but she still manages to come home, cook dinner (often more than one meal, since we all like different foods), do laundry, and take care of my father and me. Why can't I do that? Sure, being a lawyer is hard work... but how dare she think that just because I'm female, I can't handle it! I'm so sorry that I don't want to go into teaching, like her, which I think is a waste of a good university degree.

Also, my trusty old Nikon Coolpix camera died recently... or at least I think it did. It's started randomly not turn on when I wanted to use it. Sometimes it does, just not every time, like it's supposed to. Maybe it's the batteries - I'm not really sure. Regardless, I think I want a new camera. This one is a little too big for my purposes, and I don't like that it blurs the pictures on all but two settings. Plus, I'll be able to use it in Oxford. I really like the Canon Powershot . It has great customer reviews, comes in pink, and has a pomeranian as a spokesperson. I'm sold!

Day 51

12:37 AM Posted In , , Edit This 1 Comment »

We're getting new phones! Well... my dad is, for his birthday, but it's something the whole family can use. Let me enlighten you as to why I'm so excited over something so, well,... lame. We have 6 rooms with phones in our house. Or we did at one point, anyway.

  1. Garage: The phone in the garage is an ancient rotary phone that was bought for my grandmother sometime in probably the 70s or 80s

  2. Kitchen: There are two phones in the kitchen. One of them is a Panasonic cordless piece of crap that you can't hear out of. But, it has Caller ID... so it lives in the kitchen. We don't actually use this phone though, no, we have another. We have two phones in our kitchen, because we don't have one that will do the job correctly. The second is to actually talk into, after you check the Caller ID phone to see who's calling.

  3. Master bedroom: Yet another ancient phone. It's corded, not rotary, thankfully, but you have to play fast fingers when you hit the buttons because if you press them for too long (especially the zero button), they'll dial the number twice. This is particularly annoying when your area code is 770.

  4. My bedroom: I have the best phone in the house. It's a fake rotary phone that looks a lot like that down there, except it's white... and prettier. No problems with my phone whatsoever!
  5. Computer room: Robin's egg blue rotary phone. Enough said.

  6. Upstairs bonus room: No longer has a phone, because when the piece of crap Panasonic went out in the kitchen, the one from the master bedroom became phone number two in the kitchen and the phone from upstairs went to the master bedroom.

See why I'm excited? The set my mom and I bought has three recievers - we can replace the ones in the kitchen, master bedroom, and computer room, and put the best of the old ones upstairs! Now to replace the 25 year old TV set in the living room that has a wooden console around it... I'll have a modern house yet!

Day 50 (!)

1:55 AM Posted In , Edit This 3 Comments »

Today was Free Pancake Day! It ended up costing me about ten bucks, after drinks, sides, and a donation to Children's Miracle Network, but it was well worth it. Then I got to read and write about the Communist Manifesto... yay.

It's only 10 days til Spring Break!! I'm uber excited to get out of Georgia.

I played with and threw Play-Doh at the roommate this evening, because I was a very hyper girl...

Which is probably why I'm so random at the moment =]

Day 49

12:40 AM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

Tonight I had a flashback to my childhood. The roommate and I watched Spice World, which, I am convinced, is one of the best movies ever made. Cheesy, slightly unbelievable plot line paired with platform shoes and girl power? Yes, please!

My friends and I dressed up as the Spice Girls for our Halloween band practice our senior year - I think we did a pretty good job, if I say so myself!

Today, I watched Office Space in my Western Civ class... I'm not sure why, but I'm not complaining. I really should study a bit more tonight, since I have midterms and papers coming up in the next couple days, but my brain has mostly been turned to mush, so doing so wouldn't be terribly productive. Other than that... well, I was also finally able to satisfy my bagel and cream cheese craving today - overall things are good! =]

Day 48

12:56 AM Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »

These are the stuffed animals that live on the shelf on my desk. The pig's name is Gus, the dog is Uga (because I just can't change his name... that would be pretty close to blasphemy around here), and the poor beluga whale doesn't have a name. I just can't think of one that captures his personality... but I'll work on it. It's a very nice alternative to more German.

Speaking of German! It's that time of the month again... German workbooks are due tomorrow! I cannot express the levels of hate I have for this class. Words just will not suffice. Tonight I got frustrated to the point of having an incredibly strong urge to throw something. Hopefully break it. I didn't do that, of course, but I did manage to jam the stapler by slamming it down on the papers I was stapling (which were for German), and that helped a little, but I think shattering some dinnerware would've been much more satisfying.

I got to sleep almost until noon today, which was most definitely the best part of my weekend, other than getting some new pajama pants. I haven't been able to sleep that late in forever, and I probably won't be able to again any time in the near future. I packed some more too. I had to tackle our massive computer desk, and I found some interesting things... like a rotary phone and a notebook from 6th grade. I'm from a family of pack rats, apparently. But the packing's done! Well, with the exception of one closet, but I'm not counting that.

Only 12 days til Spring Break!

Day 47

12:39 AM Posted In , , Edit This 1 Comment »

This is Chili's White Chocolate Molten Cake. It's heaven on a plate - although I recommend sharing heaven with a buddy, because it's really hard to eat after consuming a meal at Chili's, which I firmly believe were proportioned for Brobdingnagians.

Saturday, I got up and went to breakfast at Tori's Place, just like pretty much every other Saturday. I've decided I rather like the tradition - it means I don't have to clean the kitchen. This was really one of the few high points of my day, sadly, because I was not home in store for a particularly exciting weekend. What was planned: getting my hair cut (yay!) and packing. Lots and lots of packing. Why? As you may know, we're getting new carpet and tile. This means, of course, that everything on the floor or on top/in any piece of furniture that must eventually be moved (all of it), had to be put in boxes. It took ten boxes for my books alone, so you can just imagine the rest of the house. I didn't realize just how much crap my family had managed to collect, or neglect to throw away, over the past 15 years. Cleaning out the garbage or garage sale material in a few weeks after the carpet has been replaced is just going to be SO much fun.

I did manage to escape for a little while. Other than getting my hair trimmed (I didn't just have split ends... I had the monster of all split ends. I didn't know hair could split 4 ways... but it can), I drove back to Athens that night for a friend's birthday dinner, where I had the White Chocolate Molten Cake, as well as honey BBQ chicken crispers... and now I really want some, thinking about it. But since it's about 1 AM, there will be no chicken crispers for me. =[

Day 46

10:44 PM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

UGA Law School

Well... I fell asleep. I tried really hard not to, but after pigging out at CiCi's Pizza, as well as not getting a lot of sleep last night, I crashed as soon as I get hit the couch.

I've had a fairly eventful past couple of days. I've just been going to class, doing homework, that sort of thing. Today, though, I got bored in between classes and started looking up various law schools. Mostly I was comparing UGA Law and Emory, my top two places of where I want to go. I have every intention of applyng to Yale and probably either Columbia or NYU just for kicks and giggles, but I don't know if I'd get in, and if I didn't, then I need to stay at a school in Georgia because I've been told that you go to a school where you want to practice. I looked up UGA first - it's ranked No. 32 in the country, and, with living expenses added, costs around 25 grand a year. I added about $5,000 though, because prices will go up before I start. So, let's say about $30,000. Then I looked at Emory, No. 22 in the country. I was eating a chip at the time, French Onion Sun Chips, which I didn't know I would like so much... but I digress. I was eating a chip and actually choked when I saw their estimated total expenses. $4,000 JUST FOR BOOKS! And the total? $63,998 per year. Add the $5,000 that it'll probably go up in the next few years, and that's almost $70,000 bucks for just one year of school. Holy crap, that's a sports car or a cheap condo. And after 3 years? I'd have to take out a quarter of a million dollars in loans to go there.. as opposed to just $90,000 for UGA Law. Add the cost to the networking opportunities available to me in Athens, and UGA is looking better and better.... I might become a "Double Dawg" just yet!

Day 45

1:44 AM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

I'm really tired, so I won't be writing much tonight.
Water for Elephants is an awesome book - I just spent almost 4 hours finishing it.

Day 44

11:30 PM Posted In , , Edit This 2 Comments »

This is my roommate, the Sapphire Mummy. And this is why I never get my reading done.

Today was cold, and it was rainy. What happens when it rains? Well, the little earthworms try to escape all the water in the grass, and then promptly die once they hit pavement. What does this lead to? Stephanie playing hopscotch all across North Campus, trying to avoid stepping on them. I hate any type of worm - needless to say, I was grossed out for most of the day.

Because of the rain, everybody and their brother (including me) decided to take the bus.

Which meant it was a bit of a tight squeeze, as seen above.

Thus, I've decided that I really don't like the bus. Oh, I'll still use it, but it has a lot of flaws.
Such as:
  • They're never on time. The Russell Hall bus is supposed to run every 10 minutes... but it's more like 20 or 30. Which is the only bus I need? The Russell Hall bus.
  • There's this one driver that sits at each bus stop for about 5-10 minutes, even when there's no one else waiting to get on. I take the bus because it's supposed to get me where I'm going faster... not because I think they make comfy lounge chairs.
  • One is always required to sit next to a random stranger. It's never an attractive, nice-smelling stranger. It's always the ones who have become estranged from deoderant and showers.
  • Because they sit forever, most of the time this means they get overpacked... forcing me to be uncomfortably close to not only the smelly person next to me, but have the butt of the person standing next to me repeatedly shoved in my face.
  • Opposite of sitting forever, the one time you really need the bus, it only stays at the stop for 30 seconds. It's a sad feeling to see it drive off.
  • The drivers CAN'T DRIVE. I'm always sure I'm going to die. One even clipped a bicycle today.
  • The feeling of panic that goes through me when they turn some very sharp corners, and I am sure they're going to hit a car one day, takes 10 years off my life.
  • They're bouncy. I'm a girl. Ouch.
  • I'm convinced I'll get hit by one some day, because apparently using the breaks is forbidden.

The only other thing of note that happened today was getting a good grade on my Logic test, and that there was some crazy weather. We had tornado warnings, watches, severe thunderstorms... in February. Ridiculous!

Day 43

1:20 PM Posted In , Edit This 1 Comment »

I forgot again. I know I have short-term memory loss occasionally, but this is ridiculous... shall immediately start trying to post every day, mostly because I can't for the life of me remember what I did yesterday. Let's see... oh yes. Went to class. Woo. Pointless, as usual. I made a mad dash to the bank in between German Culture and History, because I had two rather large checks that were just itching to be deposited, but, of course, the banks are closed on President's Day, so I had to wait. I got to turn in my paper in Latin American history, only to find out we have a midterm next Thursday, and what did we do to prepare? We watched a movie... and I promptly went to sleep, along with Cute Guy next to me. Hopefully we didn't snore.

Then what? Um... I honestly cannot recall what I did between the end of history (4:45) and my book club meeting (7:00, although I went at 7:22 because I thought it started at 7:30). That's roughly two and a half hours of time that are unaccounted for. Hmm.. it was probably homework and watching TV. That's what I seem to spend most of my time doing. After book club, where we decided to read The Associate, by John Grisham, which I am rather excited about, I read/wrote about Russian autocracy in Restoration Europe (twas fun!...not), and later helped out with some stuff for Big/Little week.

Completely random: Yellow Submarine by the Beatles is a very happy song, and it has made my day a little brighter. You should listen to it!

Day 42

2:58 PM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

Once again I didn't post last night. Shame on me!

My only news for the day though:

I FINISHED MY PAPER!!! No more stinkin' sports for me!

Day 41

9:32 PM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

Today has been an amazing day. I had a really weird dream that woke me up around 9:30 (something involving monkeys, coconut bombs, and tigers...), so I was able to actually relax a bit before I had to drive back to Athens. After driving on the most boring stretch of road in the country and unpacking my laundry, I attempted to give myself a pedicure. I didn't do the best job in the world, but at least it doesn't look like I've been living barefoot in the jungle for the past 8 years anymore. Overall, a vast improvement.

Then, the guy came to pick me up to go see Slumdog Millionaire, which was, I have to say, a really good movie. I was skeptical at first, because more often than not I don't like the Oscar nominated movies, as they tend to be kinda out there. And who would think that a movie based on the Indian version of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" would actually be a decent show? Not me.. but I liked it. Go see it.

The guy was amazing. He actually opened the car door for me, which shocked me - I've never gotten the gentleman treatment before. There was a steady stream of conversation (I found out he had an attack turkey as a child... and no, I'm not kidding), and he's really fun to talk to, even though he needs to learn to enunciate for people like me who are practically deaf/have selective hearing. We didn't get to go to dinner unfortunately, because the movie ran long, and he had a meeting he had to go to, but that's alright... mostly because it practically guarantees a second date =]

I ended up having dinner with one of our pledges at a place called Your Pie. It's a pretty good pizza place that had the most amazing gelato - the vanilla bean tastes like straight-up cake batter. I was quite satisfied. So now I'm sitting here, fat and happy, about to start on my lovely paper again.

Let's hope this was a great start to a great week!

Oh, almost forgot, I got an award:

The Rules:

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your awards.

Awards go to:
J.J. in L.A.
Of course, my roomie from 365 Days
America's Next Top Mommy
Majority of Two
Wardrobe Oxygen

Day 40

12:14 AM Posted In , , Edit This 3 Comments »

Is that not the biggest steak you've ever seen?! I didn't eat it all - I don't think I could have, even if I'd been starved for weeks on end, which I haven't been. It just blew my mind and I thought I'd share.

I haven't had the most eventful day. The high point was probably breakfast at Tori's Place this morning, followed by a family trip to Home Depot to pick out new carpet and linoleum. My mother and I failed at convincing my dad to install hardwood floors, after weeks of quite a decent bit of nagging, if I do say so myself. The deal was, though, that he either got the hardwood floor and left the wallpaper in the kitchen as is, or he went with all carpet and gets to paint it. Well, we're getting carpet... so he gets to strip wallpaper off a room with 20 foot ceilings. It's slightly amusing, although I have this really bad feeling yours truly is going to get recruited, and stripping wallpaper is up there with going to the DMV and to the gynecologist on my list of favorite things to do.

Other than that, I've been working on my wonderful Latin American history paper. I'm about halfway done in the actual writing part, but I had to finish the book as well as plan my outline, which took forever and a week. You know, I feel really sorry for people who are bedridden. After spending roughly five hours sitting on my bed working, punctuated only by dinner and the occasional trip to the bathroom, my rear end hurts like crap and my legs are cramped up. I couldn't imagine doing this for days or weeks! Charlie's grandparents in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory were strong people, indeed, and who cares if they couldn't walk (except for Grandpa Joe, who was faking the whole time)!

Day 39

11:36 PM Posted In , , Edit This 3 Comments »

As you can see, this is one of those road side hot dog stands. What you can't tell, though, is that the background of this picture is the Old Athens Cemetary, where some of the most respected and well-known university alumnae are buried. I see this almost every day when I go to class, and the juxtaposition of Lawanda's Dawgs against a historic site like this just gets me thinking... where is the next hot dog stand going to be?

Anyway... I killed my history test today. Napoleon, you are vanquished again, and it was by yours truly! That's what I hope, anyway, as I don't have my grade back. For all I know, I failed miserably and am a poor excuse for a history major. I did, though, have a pretty kickin' answer for the revolutionary dinnerware question... which only maybe two people in the entire world would know about. Ah, the useless information I seem to acquire will never fail to astound me.

On to the rest of my day - I didn't have philosophy today, which was just amazing, and I picked up my information packet on Oxford! I was originally planning to stay in Athens this weekend, but because I'm the most awesome roommate ever, I decided to give the roommate private access to the room for Valentine's Day, the romantic atmosphere of which would be completely ruined by my half-crazed mutterings about turn on the century Mexican sports paper I'll be writing tomorrow.

I will be going back earlier this weekend though - Sunday morning, instead of Sunday night, all because... drum roll... I have a date! I'm going out with this great guy in the afternoon to a movie and probably some kind of food, and I can't wait. I think I finally found somebody up to, what I have figured out are, my high standards. I only want someone who I have things in common with, can make me laugh, can hold an intelligent conversation, and who is reasonably attractive. That's just what every girl wants, right? Well, this guy seems to fit the bill to a tee, so I'm excited to see how things work out. Tonight, he called (when he said he would, which, I have to say, shocked me) and we talked for twenty mintutes. The only person who will find this as great as me would be Miranda, who knows that, outside of her and my parents, I don't talk on the phone. Ever. Give me texting, IMing, or Facebook any day of the week over the phone. I'm not really sure why... I usually just run out of things to say, and there's an awkward silence so I start rambling. Then there's the awkward goodbye and the awkwardness of accidentally talking at the same time... really, for me, it's just an awkward experience. But not this time! Twenty minutes of uninterrupted conversation about really random stuff. I'm not going to get my hopes up about things, as past disappointments have taught me, but still... he gives me butterflies =]

Day 38

8:35 AM Posted In , Edit This 2 Comments »

The morning after my disagreeable casserole debacle, I felt completely fine. It was weird - I expected to still feel wonky in the morning, but no, I was totally and completely normal... well, as normal as I ever am. I'd even emailed a professor and told him that I had food poisioning, so if I didn't show up to class, it was because I was in a bathroom throwing up somewhere (I didn't say exactly that... but it was the gist of things). So, I got up and went to class. German was fun, for once, because we didn't really talk about German. A banner day.

Then I went to German Culture, this being the class whose professor I had emailed. Attendance is really the only required part of this class - it's 40% of my grade, and any one unexcused absense will result in an automatic A-. So, I figured I better go... and he didn't take attendence. I could've taken my one opportunity to skip, since we didn't do anything but "group work", and since my group hasn't finished the book for our project yet, this means we talked about breakfast cereal, oatmeal, various European adventures, and the virtue of bottled versus tap water. Interesting? Sure. Necessary? Of course not. For about a half hour, we did discuss the reading for the day, a passage from the wonderful works of Walter Benjamin. Similar to Martin Heidegger, this man must've snorted Expo markers as a child. Don't believe me?

"The authenticity of a thing is the essence of all that is transmissible from its beginning, ranging from its substantive duration to its testimony to the history which it has experienced. Since the historical testimony rests on authenticity, the former, too, is jeopardized by reproduction when substantive duration ceases to matter. And what is really jeoopardized when the historical testimony is affected is the authenticity of the object."
-Walter Benjamin, Illuminations

Now let's imagine a whole book of this... fun, no?

I spent my night (whole night) studying for a test in Western Civilization. It's worth only ten percent of my final grade, but, being the first test, I want to do well, so I'll go study a bit more, and then I'm off to my test!

Day 37

8:24 AM Posted In , Edit This 2 Comments »

I know, I know, I've been bad again - no post since Tuesday. I do have a good excuse though. Wednesday night, I had food poisoning... which was about as fun as it sounds. Needless to say, Pepto Bismol was my friend.

I was just sitting at my desk, studying for a test, when all of a sudden... well, things just didn't feel quite right. I'll spare you the gory details, but let's just say that I know exactly how many steps it is from my dorm room door to the bathroom down the hall (36). Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, depending on how you look at it, the roommate had gone home for the night, so I was all by myself. That did mean, of course, that I had to go buy my own Pepto Bismol, which kinda sucked, since it means I actually had to leave my dorm to drive somewhere. But, it was an uneventful trip, thankfully, and I got back just fine. I slept on the futon that night, instead of in my bed, because I didn't think it would be a good idea to be climbing up and down while half asleep and nauseated. Being the first time I'd ever laid the futon out flat, having to put it back up is impossible - shall try to avoid laying it down in the future.

As a side note, if, for some reason, you ever decide to eat at the dining commons at the University of Georgia
A) You're crazy. There are much better places downtown.
B) If you insist on this insanity, stay away from the casseroles.

Day 36

10:51 PM Posted In , Edit This 2 Comments »

Today was a just another boring day. I went to class, came home, did homework. I'm currently reading Judas at the Joockey Club for Latin American history - thus far, it's about turn of the century Mexican sports.... excitement fills the air. I don't like 21st century American sports - why would I care about these? I also did note cards. Lots and lots of note cards. And did I mention notecards? All for my Logic test tomorrow, and hopefully they'll pay off!

Day 35

12:41 AM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

Today was, I have to say, a pretty awesome day. To start with, it was pretty outside. It was warm, and it was sunny, and that makes me happy, because I didn't have to wear ten layers just to go outside and not freeze. I actually felt like I wasn't wearing enough clothing, which messed with my head a little.

Going on with my pretty awesome day, my classes weren't bad at all. German didn't seem like it lasted 12 hours, Western Civ was really interesting, and Logic only lasted a half hour. Then, I had a meeting for Relay for Life, which my sorority is participating in, where we are going to do a birthday party theme to go along with the rather generic "party" theme UGA is doing (big surprise there, for the #5 party school in the nation).

During chapter tonight, we did Secret Sister, and I got some chocolate, a cute card, and that pretty awesome notepad you see up there. I went back to my dorm, read the essays of some German thinkers, who I personally think belonged in the looney bin during their time. No German homework, since we have a test tomorrow. The high point in my day came when a guy I'm interested in (not Cute Guy from history) asked me to go see Slumdog Millionaire this weekend. He has to check his schedule to make sure there are no prior commitments, but still... I'm very excited. He gives me butterflies =]

Now, I'm off to hang up a pink owl/grinning cat plate of my roommate's on the wall of my dorm using nothing more than double-sided tape and luck. There will be pictures later, if it actually works.

Day 34

12:07 AM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

Lindt's Lindor Truffles are, quite possibly, the manifestation of nirvana, heaven, and enlightenment all rolled into one chocolately, melty piece of tin-foil wrapped deliciousness. Period. The end.

I think I'm getting sick, and I think it's thanks to the roommate. It's not her fault - we live in an 11 by 13 foot shoe box, and if one of us gets sick, the other gets sick. I was really rather hoping to avoid it... but alas, I feel like someone took a wire brush and scraped it down the back of my throat. However, I am armed with Chloraseptic (the green kind) and cough drops (the cherry kind, which Randa was nice enough to give me), so I should be fine. If I can avoid the icky congestion part, I'll be happy, but I'm expecting stuffy-nosedness in the next few days.

On top of a high probability of limited breathing in the next few days, this week is my own personal Hell Week: tests on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, along with homework every night. I did have a paper due Thursday, but my professor moved it back to next Tuesday, bless him. Still, I'm really not looking forward to it... maybe I'll wake up in the morning, and it'll still be the weekend?

Day 33

11:57 PM Posted In , Edit This 1 Comment »

I don't know if you can tell, but that's a door. And, yes, that's a paper towel shoved in where the door knob should be. My father finds the most redneck of ways to improvise... As you may already know, our house is in the process of being re-painted. I wish I had taken a picture of the living room, which has all the furniture pushed in the middle with plastic covering it. The door handles, like this one, have been removed, and there is a fine layer of Sheetrock dust covering almost everything in the entire house. Ah, renovation. I do have a pretty awesome new bathroom though!

Other than try to navigate my maze of a house, I went out with my dad on the motorcycle Saturday. It was gorgeous weather - mid to high 60s and sunny. We drove up to Helen, a tourist-type town modeled in a German style. We had milkshakes (made from real ice cream, not the powder in a machine king), walked down to the river, and went in a couple of shops. All in all, a great day. And with steak at the end! I have no complaints whatsoever, which I think are the best days of them all.

Day 32

11:38 PM Posted In , Edit This 2 Comments »

I'M GOING TO OXFORD!! I got my acceptance letter... well, acceptance email, but it was still exciting... today, and I cannot be happier. To be in a place that old... the history buff in me is ecstatic!

So, I had a really good day. I'm going to England, found jeans that fit perfectly (a feat that is rarely accomplished), got to eat my mom's homemade fried chicken, and did well in my Logic class. The only bad part was that I couldn't finish my crossword puzzle, which was depressing. Not even the website I use to cheat could help me =[

Lastly, for anyone who likes random facts, Mental Floss's Random Fact Generator is completely addicting. Try it.

Day 31

12:45 PM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

Sorry for not posting yesterday... I fell asleep at 11 on the couch, and then dragged myself up to the bed at around midnight, and slept straight through til around 9 this morning. Ten hours of sleep... for the first time in ages, I'm not tired!

Yesterday was a very good day. We actually did something useful in German, which was a nice change. German culture... I have a love/hate relationship with that class. On the one hand, it's great, because there are no tests/quizzes/assessments of any kind, and I only have to read for it every couple of weeks. On the other hand, I don't understand a word my professor says. Sadly, it's taught in English, so a language barrier is not the problem. No, it's the subject matter. Ever read Martin Heidegger? He's insane. Doesn't know what he's talking about. Brecht wasn't that bad, and hopefully Benjamin will be better.. but WOW, Martin Heidegger. Fortunately, we're done with him, so maybe I won't doze off quite so often. I got my first history test back, and it was a 92! And I got to sit next to Cute Guy.

My sorority had a sister dinner at a Japanese hibachi grill last night, so the roommate and I attended and took advantage of the nifty little student discount. $12.95 for steak and chicken... yum! Then she went off to study for a bio test, so I did homework and promptly fell asleep. I even got to use my electric blanket because it was so friggin cold in the dorm!

Day 30

10:50 PM Posted In , Edit This 3 Comments »

I would kill for some breadsticks from Olive Garden. I am extremely susceptible to effective advertising - one commercial, and I'm craving them like crazy. It doesn't help that our room has smelled like Italian for a few days from the leftovers the roommate brought home.

In other news... I despise German. I've spent roughly three hours today doing pointless busy work in the form of a workbook, and I know my professor will just give me a grade for doing it. I hate that I have to take 4 semesters of it. Two out of my three years of college will be spent in a class I can't stand. Lovely.

Also, it was colder today than Georgia has a right to be without snow, and, therefore, cancelled classes. While it was a balmy 17 degrees when I left at 9:45 this morning, with the wind chill it felt like 6. Six degrees. Six. That's almost zero. And who missed the bus and got to walk in it? That's right. Me. I felt like one of those ice sculptures by the time I got to class... which was German! So my morning was peachy. My philosophy class did get cancelled, which was nice though. Although that means I sat in the library for two hours waiting for a cancelled class to start... but I shouldn't complain. Now off to do more homework. Yay!

Day 29

11:16 PM Posted In , Edit This 1 Comment »

I really hate Napoleon. Really. You have no idea. I just spent the last three hours of my life looking at, reading about, and writing a paper on roughly 100 Napoleon-themed propaganda caricatures from the early 19th century. My brain has officially turned to mush, and Napoleon is probably looking down on me (or up, depending on where he is), dancing around like the midget he is and laughing in his pansy little pantaloons. Sound like fun? Well it shouldn't, becuase it's not. At all. I still have to do quite a heavy load of German homework as well as 25 problems for Logic, and it's 11:20 already. My turd of a roommate is at a John Legend concert with her boyfriend as an early Valentine's Day gift, while I'm sitting here with cold fingers wondering if I can magically conjur up the homework fairy, who will get all my stuff done while I sleep.

On the bright side, I got to sit next to the cute guy in my history class again today. Thanks to Facebook, I found out he's single, which, on a campus where the ratio of women to men is 3:2, is a miracle unless the guy's ugly or a jerk. It's likely nothing will come of sitting next to him, but hey, it's someone to talk to. Maybe life's looking up?

Day 28

11:59 PM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

This is my calendar for the month of February. It has nothing academic on it - no tests, papers, or projects. Just various activities for Xi Delta (the sorority), Phi Alpha Delta (the fraternity), College Republicans, and things due for the Oxford program. I'm tired already, and it's only the second day of the month. Happy Groundhog Day, by the way. Punxsutawney Phil might've seen his shadow and predicted 6 more weeks of winter, but General Beauregard Lee did not see his shadow, and since he's from the south, I'm gonna go with what he says. Let those Yankees have their winter! =]

I've decided, as of today, two things. One, I am going to be an English minor. There are a lot of times when I really hate English, so this might not work out exactly like I want it to, but in the long run I believe it will help me out a lot. Anything I can get to distinguish me from all the other kids applying to law school is greatly welcomed, hence the potentially suicidal decision of the day. Second, I am going to graduate a year early, instead of just a semester, which means I'll get done with undergrad and law school in only 6 years instead of dragging it out unnecessarily. This way I won't be quite so old when I start my career, and I can start paying back the massive amounts of students loans that I haven't taken out yet. But I won't think of that right now because it makes me go into a slight panic attack (cause it'll be nearly a quarter of a million dollars).

Anyway, in better news, I was given two awards in the past couple of days, for which I am very honored.

The first was given to me by J.J..
This award... presented to bloggers who display consistency in any one or a combination of these conditions:

1. The blogger manifests exemplary attitude, respecting the nuances that pervades amongst different cultures and beliefs.
2. The blog contents inspire; strives to encourage and offers solutions.
3. There is a clear purpose at the blog; one that fosters a better understanding on social, political, economic, the arts, culture and sciences, and beliefs.
4. The blog is refreshing and creative.
5. The blogger promotes friendship and positive thinking.

The blogger who receives this award will need to perform the following steps:

1. Create a post with a mention and link to the person who presented the Noblesse Oblige award.
2. The award conditions must be displayed at the post.
3. Write a short article about what the blog has thus far achieved – preferably citing one or more older posts to support.
4. The blogger must present the Noblesse Oblige award in concurrence with the award conditions.
5. The blogger must display the award at any location at the blog.

I'm not sure that I've achieved anything, other than recorded what goes on in my everyday life. I hope that maybe I've provided a few people with a few moments of entertainment, maybe a chuckle or two, or just something to relate to. If I've done that, then I'm doing well.

The second award came from the fabulously awesome Mrs. Moronic Weirdo, AKA Randa, my roommate.

Here it is:

Once awarded this award, the awardee takes it and incorporates it somewhere into their blog. Then, they're supposed to pick five people that they believe are deemed worthy to have the reward. Finally, you're supposed to post ten honest facts about yourself.

The people who I think are awesome enough to deserve an award:
1. Randa, of course. I'll give it back to her.
2. J.J. in L.A., since she gave me one too.
3. America's Next Top Mommy, who first captured my attention with a post about a spork.
4. Christina's Favorite Things, who is always fun to read.
5. Majority of Two for always making me think.

As for the ten honest facts... well, I'll try to come up with some. Here we go!
1. Even though it probably makes a mark against my character, and isn't true all the time, I am incredibly arrogant, and very naive as well. When it comes to academics, I don't truly believe I could fail or do badly at something, just because I never have.

2. I avoid confrontation at all costs. I can never once remember yelling at someone or coming to someone with a problem. It makes me physically ill to think about doing so, and even if it means that I am injured mentally or emotionally, I'll just let things slide to maintain peace.

3. I'm not sure that I'm on the right career path. I've always wanted to be an attorney, but I'm not positive that it's for the right reasons. The money's really good, which is what, I'm afraid, is pulling me that way. Maybe history is what I'm supposed to really do, in some shape or form.

4. There are a lot of times when I'm worried I might be depressed. I don't think I really am, but lots of times, especially when I'm alone, I just feel inexplicably sad.

5. Going along with the lonely thing, I hate to be left out of something. From being an only child, and constantly having a voice in the back of my mind saying that I don't have any true friends (even though it's not true), I'm always a little worried that if I'm not invited to something, it's because I'm not wanted or liked.

6. I seem to have a lonely theme here... another one of my many fears is that I'll focus too much on school and my future career, and I'll end up alone because I never made connections with people.

7. Leaving home (although I'm still based out of my house- living in a dorm doesn't really count as having my own place) was possibly the hardest thing I've ever done. It gets harder to go every time I leave.

8. Comiing to college has made me realize how few and far between true friends really are. Of the 7 close friends I thought I had, I only still talk to 3, maybe 4, only a regular basis. It makes me scared that next year, when I'm not living with my best friends, we'll drift apart like I have with all the others.

9. I wish I could live in a book. One with a happy ending and lots of happy memories along the way. Preferably with no fears, worries, or troubles. I want the fairy tale, completely with "once upon a time" and "they lived happily ever."

10. On a lighter note from everything else: I love love love Kraft macaroni and cheese. If I could eat it every day for the rest of my life, I'd do so in a heartbeat and not get tired of it.

Well... that was the longest post, pretty much in the history of the world. Or, at least, of this blog.

Day 27

5:17 PM Posted In , Edit This 1 Comment »

Is that not an amazing cake? I wish I could take credit for making it... but I think we all know likelihood of that. No, this was made by the amazing people at Dairy Queen, who make the best ice cream cake in the history of the world. And, I can say from experience, it was quite tasty! =]

This was the cake from Bid Day, which is something like a celebratory luncheon for the new pledges. There was tons of good food - Zaxby's chicken, two cakes, brownies, chips and dip, all that stuff. I'm still incredibly full, mostly because I haven't learned how to say no.

The only other thing of note that I've done today is laundry, which takes an absurd amount of time because I did it in the dorm. Usually I go home and do it there, but I didn't go home this weekend. There's only one laundry room, with about 15 washing machines and 15 dryers. This might seem like it's a lot... but there are 972 people in this building. Each person uses about two washers and two dryers. So the laundry room can only serve about 10 to 15 people, when there are nearly 1000 who live here. It's ridiculous! And, to make things even better, the dryers only run for 20 minutes a cycle. I don't know about you, but my jeans (which I live in) take a bit longer than 20 minutes to dry. So, after the washing and 2 to 3 cycles in the dryer, doing laundry at the dorm costs me 2.5 to 3 hours and $7. I can't wait to be in my apartment... with my own laundry room!

Day 26

4:59 PM Posted In , Edit This 1 Comment »

Well, Saturday was a very lazy day. I had a buy one, get one free coupon for IHOP, so I treated the roommate to a free lunch (neither of us got up until about noon, so I can't call it breakfast). We both came back and read for a little while, and I dozed off a little around 5. About the time when I was going to transition from dozing to full out snooze, the roommate leaned down (she was in her bed and I was underneath her, on the futon) and said she really wanted cheesecake. So, we made a trip to Publix and bought a 16-piece cheesecake, which worked out to less than a dollar a piece. A bargain!

We ate some cake, laid around a little bit more, and while she went to work, I watched TV and talked to some friends. Watched the Count of Monte Cristo, which I forgot was such a good movie. I tried to read it once because it was the only classic novel that my AP Literature teacher said had absolutely no hidden meaning or subtext - it was written just for fun. Unfortunately, I ran out of time to read it, and school ended. Maybe I'll try again one day...

When the movie was over, I went downstairs to say hey to the roommate, who was at her desk job at our dorm. After staying for about a half hour, I got really dizzy and sick to my stomach, so I went to bed. That happens to me sometimes... I don't know why, but it's probably not good. Oh well. So long as I'm not dead, it's okay!

Day 25

4:20 PM Posted In , Edit This 2 Comments »

So, once again, I've been delinquent with my posts... for almost three days time. I'll try my very best to remember what has happened every day since then...

Alright, let's see. Friday. I went to my Western Civ, hung around the library for a bit, and then went to my Logic class. After class was over, I had an interview with the people from the UGA at Oxford program. I've applied to go for a couple weeks this June, and I'm really really really (plus about ten more of those) excited. Really excited. Really really friggin excited! Can you tell? My dad and his family were born in England, so I've been hearing about it for my entire life, and now here's my chance to go! And I'll get two classes worth of credit for just a couple weeks, making it within reach to graduate a whole year early. If I go, I'll be taking a Tudor/Stuart history class (stuff about King Henry VIII), which is one of my favorite subjects. To be able to stand in the same place Elizabeth I did, and Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Princess Mary... you have no idea what that would mean to me. Anyway, I think the interview went well, and I'm supposed to find out on Friday if I've been accepted or not.

After the interview, the roommate and I went to the library. I read for a while, then I went to a social for my pre-law fraternity. It was actually a lot of fun, which I wasn't expecting. There wasn't a lot of drinking or partying - just a bunch of people sitting around, eating chicken, and talking, which is exactly my kind of idea of fun.