This is my calendar for the month of February. It has nothing academic on it - no tests, papers, or projects. Just various activities for Xi Delta (the sorority), Phi Alpha Delta (the fraternity), College Republicans, and things due for the Oxford program. I'm tired already, and it's only the second day of the month. Happy Groundhog Day, by the way. Punxsutawney Phil might've seen his shadow and predicted 6 more weeks of winter, but General Beauregard Lee did not see his shadow, and since he's from the south, I'm gonna go with what he says. Let those Yankees have their winter! =]
I've decided, as of today, two things. One, I am going to be an English minor. There are a lot of times when I really hate English, so this might not work out exactly like I want it to, but in the long run I believe it will help me out a lot. Anything I can get to distinguish me from all the other kids applying to law school is greatly welcomed, hence the potentially suicidal decision of the day. Second, I am going to graduate a year early, instead of just a semester, which means I'll get done with undergrad and law school in only 6 years instead of dragging it out unnecessarily. This way I won't be quite so old when I start my career, and I can start paying back the massive amounts of students loans that I haven't taken out yet. But I won't think of that right now because it makes me go into a slight panic attack (cause it'll be nearly a quarter of a
Anyway, in better news, I was given two awards in the past couple of days, for which I am very honored.
The first was given to me by
This award...
...is presented to bloggers who display consistency in any one or a combination of these conditions:
1. The blogger manifests exemplary attitude, respecting the nuances that pervades amongst different cultures and beliefs.
2. The blog contents inspire; strives to encourage and offers solutions.
3. There is a clear purpose at the blog; one that fosters a better understanding on social, political, economic, the arts, culture and sciences, and beliefs.
4. The blog is refreshing and creative.
5. The blogger promotes friendship and positive thinking.
The blogger who receives this award will need to perform the following steps:
1. Create a post with a mention and link to the person who presented the Noblesse Oblige award.
2. The award conditions must be displayed at the post.
3. Write a short article about what the blog has thus far achieved – preferably citing one or more older posts to support.
4. The blogger must present the Noblesse Oblige award in concurrence with the award conditions.
5. The blogger must display the award at any location at the blog.
I'm not sure that I've achieved anything, other than recorded what goes on in my everyday life. I hope that maybe I've provided a few people with a few moments of entertainment, maybe a chuckle or two, or just something to relate to. If I've done that, then I'm doing well.
The second award came from the fabulously awesome
Mrs. Moronic Weirdo, AKA Randa, my roommate.
Here it is:
Once awarded this award, the awardee takes it and incorporates it somewhere into their blog. Then, they're supposed to pick five people that they believe are deemed worthy to have the reward. Finally, you're supposed to post ten honest facts about yourself.
The people who I think are awesome enough to deserve an award:
1. Randa, of course. I'll give it back to her.
J.J. in L.A., since she gave me one too.
America's Next Top Mommy, who first captured my attention with a post about a spork.
Christina's Favorite Things, who is always fun to read.
Majority of Two for always making me think.
As for the ten honest facts... well, I'll try to come up with some. Here we go!
1. Even though it probably makes a mark against my character, and isn't true all the time, I am incredibly arrogant, and very naive as well. When it comes to academics, I don't truly believe I could fail or do badly at something, just because I never have.
I avoid confrontation at
costs. I can never once remember yelling at someone or coming to someone with a problem. It makes me physically ill to think about doing so, and even if it means that I am injured mentally or emotionally, I'll just let things slide to maintain peace.
I'm not sure that I'm on the right career path. I've always wanted to be an attorney, but I'm not positive that it's for the right reasons. The money's really good, which is what, I'm afraid, is pulling me that way. Maybe history is what I'm supposed to really do, in some shape or form.
There are a lot of times when I'm worried I might be depressed. I don't think I really am, but lots of times, especially when I'm alone, I just feel inexplicably sad.
Going along with the lonely thing, I hate to be left out of something. From being an only child, and constantly having a voice in the back of my mind saying that I don't have any true friends (even though it's not true), I'm always a little worried that if I'm not invited to something, it's because I'm not wanted or liked.
I seem to have a lonely theme here... another one of my many fears is that I'll focus too much on school and my future career, and I'll end up alone because I never made connections with people.
Leaving home (although I'm still based out of my house- living in a dorm doesn't really count as having my own place) was possibly the hardest thing I've ever done. It gets harder to go every time I leave.
Comiing to college has made me realize how few and far between true friends really are. Of the 7 close friends I thought I had, I only still talk to 3, maybe 4, only a regular basis. It makes me scared that next year, when I'm not living with my best friends, we'll drift apart like I have with all the others.
I wish I could live in a book. One with a happy ending and lots of happy memories along the way. Preferably with no fears, worries, or troubles. I want the fairy tale, completely with "once upon a time" and "they lived happily ever."
On a lighter note from everything else: I love love love Kraft macaroni and cheese. If I could eat it every day for the rest of my life, I'd do so in a heartbeat and not get tired of it.
Well... that was the longest post, pretty much in the history of the world. Or, at least, of this blog.