Day 44
11:30 PM Posted In bus , earthworms , tornado Edit This 2 Comments »
This is my roommate, the Sapphire Mummy. And this is why I never get my reading done.
Today was cold, and it was rainy. What happens when it rains? Well, the little earthworms try to escape all the water in the grass, and then promptly die once they hit pavement. What does this lead to? Stephanie playing hopscotch all across North Campus, trying to avoid stepping on them. I hate any type of worm - needless to say, I was grossed out for most of the day.
Because of the rain, everybody and their brother (including me) decided to take the bus.

Which meant it was a bit of a tight squeeze, as seen above.
Thus, I've decided that I really don't like the bus. Oh, I'll still use it, but it has a lot of flaws.
Such as:
- They're never on time. The Russell Hall bus is supposed to run every 10 minutes... but it's more like 20 or 30. Which is the only bus I need? The Russell Hall bus.
- There's this one driver that sits at each bus stop for about 5-10 minutes, even when there's no one else waiting to get on. I take the bus because it's supposed to get me where I'm going faster... not because I think they make comfy lounge chairs.
- One is always required to sit next to a random stranger. It's never an attractive, nice-smelling stranger. It's always the ones who have become estranged from deoderant and showers.
- Because they sit forever, most of the time this means they get overpacked... forcing me to be uncomfortably close to not only the smelly person next to me, but have the butt of the person standing next to me repeatedly shoved in my face.
- Opposite of sitting forever, the one time you really need the bus, it only stays at the stop for 30 seconds. It's a sad feeling to see it drive off.
- The drivers CAN'T DRIVE. I'm always sure I'm going to die. One even clipped a bicycle today.
- The feeling of panic that goes through me when they turn some very sharp corners, and I am sure they're going to hit a car one day, takes 10 years off my life.
- They're bouncy. I'm a girl. Ouch.
- I'm convinced I'll get hit by one some day, because apparently using the breaks is forbidden.
The only other thing of note that happened today was getting a good grade on my Logic test, and that there was some crazy weather. We had tornado warnings, watches, severe thunderstorms... in February. Ridiculous!
It may be the angle of the picture or the fact that they're cut off by the photo boundary but my legs look REALLY long. It's pretty cool since I have short legs.
And I hate the buses, too.
I think it has something to do with the angle of the picture and all the stripes- horizontal on the futon and vertical on your scarf. Either way, it's pretty cool!
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