Day 26
4:59 PM Posted In cheesecake , nap Edit This 1 Comment »Well, Saturday was a very lazy day. I had a buy one, get one free coupon for IHOP, so I treated the roommate to a free lunch (neither of us got up until about noon, so I can't call it breakfast). We both came back and read for a little while, and I dozed off a little around 5. About the time when I was going to transition from dozing to full out snooze, the roommate leaned down (she was in her bed and I was underneath her, on the futon) and said she really wanted cheesecake. So, we made a trip to Publix and bought a 16-piece cheesecake, which worked out to less than a dollar a piece. A bargain!
We ate some cake, laid around a little bit more, and while she went to work, I watched TV and talked to some friends. Watched the Count of Monte Cristo, which I forgot was such a good movie. I tried to read it once because it was the only classic novel that my AP Literature teacher said had absolutely no hidden meaning or subtext - it was written just for fun. Unfortunately, I ran out of time to read it, and school ended. Maybe I'll try again one day...
When the movie was over, I went downstairs to say hey to the roommate, who was at her desk job at our dorm. After staying for about a half hour, I got really dizzy and sick to my stomach, so I went to bed. That happens to me sometimes... I don't know why, but it's probably not good. Oh well. So long as I'm not dead, it's okay!
Cheesecake overload? ; )
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