Day 56
12:06 AM Posted In driving , French toast , more snow Edit This 1 Comment »
This is the best French toast ever made. There's a little place where my parents and I got to breakfast every Saturday, but we decided to break with tradition and go on a Monday in honor of mine and my mom's snow days (she works for Gainesville State College, and therefore also had the day off) as well as my father's birthday. We go there often enough that the waitresses and the owners know us - not by name, but by what kind of tea we order, and for me, what food I order. My mom gets unsweet tea with no lemon, I get sweet tea with no lemon, and my dad gets sweet tea with lemon. We have to be difficult =] As for food, I get French toast (heavy on the powdered sugar) with bacon and the best grits ever made.
I highly enjoyed my snow day today, especially because the kids in my county had to go to school today while I got to sleep in! After breakfast, my mom and I went shopping for our trip (only 4 days away!!!!) - we spent my dad's coupon (for some reason he got a coupon to Belk's... don't know why) that was sent to him for his birthday with his money... on stuff for us =] Then later tonight, we took my dad out for Mexican, since that's one of his favorite kinds of food. I personally can't stand it (I don't like beans, lettuce, tomato, guacamole, or anything spicy: I eat a cheese quesadilla), but I knew that he'd be getting free fried ice cream, which he would be sharing whether he liked it or not!
The drive back to Athens was one of the worst in my life. It wasn't really bad, but during the second half of the trip the road was really wet, so it all looked like black ice. I went 4o - 45 mph on a road where the speed limit is 55, and I usually go 60. The worst part was parking, though. The only parking spots available were those that were the ones with trees in them or completely snow covered. I went with snow covered, but the only thing I have to combat snow is front-wheel drive - no tire chains or anything. I ended up skidding a lot and almost ramming into a rather nice Escalade, but I put the E-brake on in time to stop it. Then I couldn't back up because my tires were spinning, so I had to get about three guys to help push my car back, and I when I tried another parking spot, I almost hit a friend's car, a BMW. Finally, though, I did get up to my dorm safely.
I really hate snow.
Did you get the guys phone numbers??? ; ) I'm glad you got back safely!
I think liking Mexican food is mandatory in So. Cal. There's so much more to it than the foods you don't like. My favs are tamales with (beanless) chili, and beef burritos. I can't stand fried ice cream or flan. Ick! lol!
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