Day 37
8:24 AM Posted In food poisoning , pepto bismol Edit This 2 Comments »I know, I know, I've been bad again - no post since Tuesday. I do have a good excuse though. Wednesday night, I had food poisoning... which was about as fun as it sounds. Needless to say, Pepto Bismol was my friend.
I was just sitting at my desk, studying for a test, when all of a sudden... well, things just didn't feel quite right. I'll spare you the gory details, but let's just say that I know exactly how many steps it is from my dorm room door to the bathroom down the hall (36). Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, depending on how you look at it, the roommate had gone home for the night, so I was all by myself. That did mean, of course, that I had to go buy my own Pepto Bismol, which kinda sucked, since it means I actually had to leave my dorm to drive somewhere. But, it was an uneventful trip, thankfully, and I got back just fine. I slept on the futon that night, instead of in my bed, because I didn't think it would be a good idea to be climbing up and down while half asleep and nauseated. Being the first time I'd ever laid the futon out flat, having to put it back up is impossible - shall try to avoid laying it down in the future.
As a side note, if, for some reason, you ever decide to eat at the dining commons at the University of Georgia
A) You're crazy. There are much better places downtown.
B) If you insist on this insanity, stay away from the casseroles.
My b-i-l got food poisoning after a family picnic. He arrived late (from work) and pigged out on the potato salad. You'd think he'd be smarter than that...he's a doctor! lol!
Interesting that you counted the steps. Could you draw a conclusion that steps are inversely related to units of comfort? The fewer steps you take, the more distance you cover per step, which might suggest a hurry. Of course, if you are in very rough shape, you might go quite slowly.
I avoid casseroles in general.
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