Day 187

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Do you remember Gak? That smelly, gooey, not-quite-as-fun-as-Play-doh Nickelodeon concoction? Well these, my friends, are the Gak Trees:

Now, you may recognize these under their more commonly known name of "dogwood". However, as I have seen no resemblance to either dogs or wood (except for that whole being a tree thing), I have taken to calling them Gak Trees. Why? Because they smell exactly like Gak!

For weeks I've been walking around wondering why on Earth I kept smelling the stuff. It's not like anyone plays with it anymore. It's not even manufactured anymore, so far as I know, which means any supply would have to be at least 10 years old. Ten year old Gak would be dried out, right? And therefore not emitting any smell.

Finally, I discovered the culprit. They were above my head! I think dogwoods are very pretty trees, but good LORD do they smell bad. I will be quite happy when they are no longer blooming.


J.J. in L.A. said...

I feel the same way about gardenia bushes. I used to have one right outside my bedroom window when I was a kid. It STUNK in summertime! I still gag whenever I smell it...which, thankfully, isn't often.

Lacey said...

Ha! Gosh, I HATED Gak... you'd think they could have at least come up with a way to not make it smell so bad, you know?

And now I know never to plant a Dogwood tree... ;-)

W.C.Camp said...

Sorry I'm new to this blog - Assuming you did not start your "Year in the life" in January since we are already on day 187??

As for GAK, never played with it but the containers always interested me in the toy aisles even as an adult. I did play with PlayDoh though and I enjoyed those extrusion machines the most.

Thanks for the memories, and now I have to go find out what a Dogwood smells like! W.C.C.

Stephanie said...

I actually started this blog in January of last year... I'm just horrible about posting. I did really well in the beginning, and now I just blog when I get the chance/feel like it. The day count is completely inaccurate, but I keep doing it for the sake of continuity. Thanks for following!

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