Day 24

11:23 PM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

Now on to today!

So I woke up this morning, after sleeping roughly 9 to 10 hours after a crash from a MAJOR sugar high, and I still felt exhausted, as well as fairly nauseated, so I decided another hour or two of sleep was needed and skipped my German class. My roommate (who is a bad influence on me =]) pointed out that we can only miss 4 days of class with no punishment, which is like we are allowed to skip four days, and that means we can skip one day a month. I happen to really like her logic, so today was my skip day. Hers was yesterday.

After that I went to my other two classes. I got to sit next to a really cute guy in my history class, which, I have to say, was a high point in my day. Other than that, tonight was the last night of rush for the prospective pledges to my sorority. They are interviewed, voted on, and, if they get enough votes, they get a bid, or an offer to join our sorority as a pledge. The roommate and I delivered a bid to one of the girls, who was very excited. They get an invitation to Bid Day (kind of like a congratulatory lunch for getting an invitation) and a rose. While I don't have a picture of the girl's rose, I do have a picture of mine for last semester. Resembles that dinosaur from Jurassic Park, doesn't it?

Day 23

11:12 PM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

So, once again I was a bad kid and didn't post yesterday. I'm sorry. I got to decorate a gingerbread house. Mine looked nothing like that up there, but I couldn't get a picture. Our icing was too watery, so it looked like our house was going through a heat wave. It was very very messy, but I had fun anyway. Then, I got to eat my weight in candy and cake, so I was on a major sugar high. And when I crashed, I crashed hard. It might've actually made me sick...

The only other thing I can remember about yesterday is that the Weather Channel's website lied to me. I checked it in the morning, and it said it was 59 degrees, foggy, and would get slighter colder as the day went on - a whopping 57 degrees by 4PM! So, I just wore a light jacket. It seemed at first that I would be alright. But then it got cold. And it got rainy. Not just drizzling rainy, but God is dumping a lake on your head rainy. I, of course, thinking there was zero chance of precipitation, did not have an umbrella, rain boots, or rain coat. Damn Weather Channel...

Day 22

2:20 AM Posted In , Edit This 1 Comment »

Almost forgot to post again today. Technically it's really tomorrow, but since I haven't gone to bed yet, we're still gonna pretend it's today. I've had a fairly busy day. Lots of homework, on top of sorority stuff. The second picture is from Rush Week, and tonight, following with our Candy Land theme, we decorated ginger bread men. Then the roommate and I decided to go to McDonald's for those extra tasty double cheeseburgers and sweet tea. She made the cup float- that's right- I live with a magician.

Then I came back and did homework for German (which I am highly considering skipping tomorrow... we'll see), Intro to Logic and Critical Thinking, and I finally finished reading and writing about the French Revolution for my Western Civilization class. I had some issues understanding some of it, so I went to my Big Brother's apartment (in my pre-law fraternity) since he's a senior history major and knew exactly what I needed to write. Gotta love friends who stay up late! Anyway, gonna go to bed now... the 8 AM alarm is coming in just a few hours.

Day 21

10:56 PM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

Today was the first day of Spring Rush for my sorority. Our theme this semester is Candyland, which I think is amazing (!) because A) I love Candyland, even if I can't win the game to save my life, and B) I just love candy, regardless of what land I'm in. To go along with the theme, we were instructed to wear bright, happy colors, so, as you see above, the roommate and I did just that. We're standing in front of some fake candy, representing part of the Candyland board.

After meeting all the "rushees", or new girls interested in becoming pledges, we had to deliver goodie bags to two of the girls, one of whom lives in a new apartment complex. Therefore, said complex does not exist in the land of my GPS navigator, and it took forever and a day to find where this chick lived. But hey, it's always fun to have little adventures. Those are what make life special =]

Day 20

2:04 PM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

So I completely forgot to write a new post yesterday. I don't even have a good excuse that I was really busy or anything... it just completely slipped my mind.

Anyway, what you see above is just one of the pieces of my new bathroom fixtures. That one in particular is going to be my fancy new toilet paper holder- shiny, isn't it? My dad is in the process of repainting and upgrading our house to eventuall sell it. He's been in the process for... oh, say... five years or so? He began by painting our sky blue house yellow, and turned the trim from cream to white. He didn't finish it before winter hit though, so we had a half blue and half yellow house for several months. Then he moved to the inside- painted my room and the master bedroom a pale green (Mom copied my color choice), then did the dining room as well. Eventually he repainted the master bath green as well. That was probably 3 years ago. Now, he's finally getting around to my bathroom, which will be green as well, and hence the new bathroom stuff.

We'll also finally be getting new carpet, possibly hardwood, and the living room, which has spackle on it from changing the type of curtain rods we had about 14 years ago, will be repainted too. I really don't want my parents to sell our house. I've lived here almost my entire life, and I have no memories of any other place. Both my parents moved around during their childhoods, so I don't think they realize that, to me, this is home, not just some house I happen to live in. But oh well.. it'll free up some money and make them happier. So long as they don't move to Florida like my dad keeps talking about, it should be just fine.

Day 19

9:52 PM Edit This 2 Comments »

So J.J. tagged me in this little game called Four, or something like it. You go the the 4th picture file and the 4th picture in that file, and write about it. I decided to play along. So there it is!

This is a picture of my parents and me with Governor Purdue of Georgia and his wife Mary that was taken this summer at the governor's mansion in Atlanta. No, I'm not personal friends with the governor, even though that would be really cool. All the valedictorians are invited to the mansion every year for a meal and tour of the mansion. It was a really cool experience-- the '96 Olympic torch was in the foyer, and there was an original signed copy of Gone With The Wind just sitting on a table! I really wanted to steal it... but I think robbing the governor's mansion just might be slightly frowned upon, so I restrained myself. However, if you ever hear of some crazy woman who has been arrested on the charges of stealing a book from the Georgia governor's mansion... well... it's probably me.

Day 18

3:00 AM Posted In , Edit This 1 Comment »

Ever heard of The Other Boleyn Girl? Well, this is its sequel. I didn't actually read the first one, just saw the movie, but I am in love with this book. I highly recommend it if you like historical fiction. Katherine Howard, Henry the VIII's 5th wife, is probably stupidest, most selfish and vain character I have come across in fiction in quite some time. I hate her. However, I realized yesterday that she is one of the wives who ends up getting her head chopped off, and I feel much better (she completely deserves it).

Anyway, the reason I am up at 3:07 in the morning is because of some very drunk teenagers. Thursday night is a big party night in Athens, and oh they came out in droves tonight. I went to see a French movie earlier tonight with my big sister from my sorority, and after I went back to my dorm, read a little, and fell asleep. Well, about a half hour ago, there was a loud rattling of my door and some loud shouting- my hallmates and their drunk friends were home. They're still out there, making quite the ruckus.

So much for a decent night's sleep.

Day 17

11:28 PM Posted In , Edit This 1 Comment »

I just had a cup of grape juice. My mom got in for a penny at Publix and gave it to me, so I brought it back to school. I completely forgot how much I like grape juice- usually I just focus on apple juice (Publix brand, preferably) because... well because that's just what I always have. My mouth and lips, as well as those of the roommate, are a really dark purple, which I think migt be half the fun of drinking it. Well, that and because it's the closest I can get to the taste of kids' grape cough syrup. If it wasn't so bad for me, I'd just down the stuff with or without actual sickness, but I can't, so I'm thinking I'll just stick to grape juice.

On a different note, I'm very proud of myself. I was done with my homework, as well as tomorrow's (because I have a chapter meeting for my pre-law fraternity) done by 8:30, and I even took the time to watch a movie. The Last Legion, by the way, is an excellent movie. Who would think that Colin Firth could go from the gay guy in Mamma Mia to a general in the Roman army?

Day 16

11:21 PM Posted In , , Edit This 1 Comment »

This is my bed. It may look cozy... but it's not. See how close the ceiling is? Not fun. See how small it is? Not fun. Regardless of this, it's where I'm headed very soon because I'm really full and that makes for a sleepy Stephanie. I had a steaming hot plate of lasagna for dinner because I fell victim to effective advertising and drove all the way to Kroger to get some. I then proceeded to trip the circuit breaker for our room twice in an attempt to microwave it, forcing me to move to the kitchen on our floor. After, we had a "dessert social" where we had different desserts in various rooms on our hall. It was supposed to be so we could meet and mingle with the other girls, but I just grabbed my cookies and ice cream and ran. I'm anti-social. =]

Today was, once again, just another homework-filled day in the Arctic. I wore jeans, tights under jeans, socks, tennis shoes, a camisole, shirt, cardigan, wool peacoat, thick scarf, leather gloves, and a hat, and I was still freezing all day. How does that work? I don't understand... I live in Georgia. It's not usually the tropics down here during winter, but it's most certainly not supposed to be The Day Afer Tomorrow out there. What's worse is it's this cold and not snowing, and so I still have to go to class in the morning. Which is why I'm going to bed. Yay for sleep before midnight!

Day 15

9:30 AM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

So let's pretend that today is yesterday, and that I didn't forget to write yesterday. And I'll have a picture later. Thanks =]

It'll be a short blog today, mostly because I have to read for class. I was at home, went to breakfast with my parents, went shopping with my mom (found 3 camisoles with a shelf bra that were on sale- best part of my day!), went back to the house, ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (made with safe peanut butter), packed, and left for Athens. Was then stuck in traffic because of a wreck for 30 to 45 minutes, making me get back to the dorm later and forget to stop by Kroger to buy yogurt. Then I did German homework for, oh... 7 hours?

I hate German.

Day 14

10:15 PM Posted In , Edit This 3 Comments »

Today I baked a cake. If you know me, then you know what an accomplishment this is- mostly because I can't cook. At all. For example:

Me [in reference to a friend with limited musical ability getting into the UGA School of Music]: It'll never happen.That would be like me trying to be a rocket scientist!
Roommate: ...Stephanie, you probably could be a rocket scientist.
Me: Okay... well like me trying to be a chef.
Roommate: Now that makes sense.

I'm just not very talented when it comes to the kitchen. I like to think it's merely because I'm inexperienced. My mom loves to cook, and therefore does not require me to do any of my own. Regardless of whether or not this is true, I can now add carrot cake (...from a box) to my repertoire. What a banner day!

Day 13

11:31 PM Posted In , Edit This 3 Comments »

Today was a rather long day. I went shopping with my grandmother at the Mall of Georgia, more specifically at Macy's. Now, that might not seem like it would be that much of an ordeal, but then you haven't met my grandmother. She's a 5'1" British lady, 80 years old, with jet black hair. She's also the most intense woman I have ever met. Things will be done her way, or not at all. So she gets it in her head that we're going shopping at Macy's, since she has a $100 gift card. I, however, do not like Macy's. It's fine for coats or shoes, neither of which I need, or for bathing suits, but it's winter. The clothes are either too young or too old for my personal taste, but that doesn't matter, because we're going.

My dad tells me I get to drive the hour trip, because Nana can't drive- she has this bad tendency to stop at the end of on ramps and go 45 miles an hour on the interstate, neither of which are conducive to living for very long. So, for an hour, every time the person in front of me hits the brakes or we come up to a red light or a stop sign, I get told to slow down (even if I'm several hundred ft. away). I get told to turn my music down, to keep my eyes on the road and both hands on the wheel, and mainly to slow down in general (I was going 74 on the freeway, where the speed limit is 70). By the time we get there, my nerves are a bit frazzled.

Once we're in the store, she heads straight for the winter coats, despite the fact that I already own and am wearing a black peacoat, and so do not need another one. She doesn't listen, and we go look anyway. She parades probably 50 coats in front of me, all black, and most of them peacoats. I don't find anything I like.

Then we go to the shoe department. I don't see anything I want because they're mostly heels, and as a college student, I don't really have anywhere to wear them. She does manage to find a pair of tennis shoes, almost identical to the ones I am already wearing, except that they are Coach, and therefore absurdly overpriced for shoes. I do love Coach, and have several purses, but I just can't justify that much money for tennis shoes that I cannot treat like tennis shoes, because you just don't get Coach dirty.

Then back to the coats, even though I told her there was nothing there I wanted.

Lingerie department for a robe, which I actually wanted, but none of them were "quality" enough for her taste.

I say I want a scarf. We look at scarves. She thinks they're "bloody awful!" so we go back to the shoes. They don't have my size.

Bathing suits. Even though it was 12 degrees yesterday. I don't find anything.

Back to the scarves, where I pick out one I want, and she finally agrees! I also get a pair of tights, since I get cold, a cardigan, and mascara ($20 dollar mascara! Ridiulous), and FINALLY, we are done.

Another hour drive. Apparently I should have never been given a license.

I am now watching "How It's Made" in front of a roaring fire with my dog and bowl of ice cream. Ah, relaxation.

Day 12

11:11 PM Posted In , Edit This 2 Comments »

I don't have a picture at the moment because my camera is in Athens, and my phone is in my bedroom, which is across the house. Because I am very lazy, and very warm (thanks to the fire), I have no desire to move, so I'll just add one tomorrow.

Nothing much of note happened today. I went to class, one of which I was late for because it is apparently impossible for me to remember a schedule. I ended up getting out early of the class I was late for, so the roommate and I went to eat Chinese for lunch (missed the buffet, even though it was 8 minutes before 3:00...) and went to the library for new pink books.

I drove home and just woke up from the most incredible 3 hour nap. I will now not be sleeping at all tonight because of it. But it was such a good nap...

Day 11

12:22 AM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

This is my lovely roommate, who decided she would attempt to be Scottish. Hence the fake tartan and pantaloons (which I'm not sure Scotsmen actually wore...) made out of pajama pants. Then she added the Wellington boots, which are actually from England, but apparently if it's in the same area it still applies. The other boot... well I just don't know why it's there.

This is why we never get anything done... ever.

Thank God tomorrow is Friday. Three day weekend!

Day 10

11:23 PM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

I'm going to Utah for spring break!

Now I know most people head for the Florida: the beaches, the sun, the clubs, and the parties. I'm going in the opposite direction- the bright white snow slopes of Salt Lake City! My favorite uncle and his family live near there, and not having seen them in roughly 5 years, I am very excited. The only two small children I can stand, my cousins, live there as well, and I'm looking forward to seeing them, too. It should be interesting to see if I can remember how to ski without embarassing myself in front of people who probably ski several times a month. Most likely, I will not succeed, and the natives will point and laugh.

But who cares! I actually have plans that don't include going to Destin!

Day 9

10:25 PM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »

I dedicate this post to the wackiest academic building I have ever been in: Joseph E. Brown Hall. The first time I went in was to turn in a paper, and it seemed normal enough. That was last semester.

This semester, I had to go in because I have a class there. So I went in the way I did before: through a door on the bottom floor, like most normal people. I'd had to turn my paper in on the first floor before, so I just went up that staircase, assuming that it would take me to the second floor as well, because, well, that's just what staircases do. But you know what they say about assuming- well, I forgot. Because the staircase did not, in fact take me to the second floor. No, instead, there was a picture of a door. Just a picture. No door knob, no door.

Twenty minutes later, I made it to my classroom, which, come to find out, is just on the other side of the nonexistent door. And when I got there, it looked like a kindergarten classroom.

It's just a weird ass building.

Day 8

10:11 PM Posted In , Edit This 2 Comments »

Short post today. This is the tin my mother sent to my dorm with me filled with yummy holiday treats; I am now thinking of turning it into a pencil holder, just because it's so damn cute.

Anyway, I have to go read for my Latin American history course- 100 pages by tomorrow. And I have German homework. And German culture. It just never seems to end... and it's only the third day of class.

Day 7

12:50 AM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

This is my planner, which I just spent two hours writing things in. Sadly, only two out of five classes are done. I can't live without my planner- otherwise I'd never do anything, and would flunk out of college. Needless to say, this is not the best plan in the world. Hence the planner.

My day has been very uneventful. I'm currently watching Ferris Bueller's Day Off and the roommate remake her bed after her boyfriend untucked all the sheets (this is most especially satisfying, since she always watches me do so and laughs at me). Earlier, I was at home. I went to a friend's house, went home, ate dinner, made the hour drive here, and did homework. Now I'm off to bed.

My life is just full of excitement isn't it?

Day 6

10:34 PM Posted In , Edit This 2 Comments »

I want to go back to New York. I got that picture in Time Square on a marching band trip in March, and just looking at it makes to want to visit. I'd really like to just freeze my life for a year and live there, just to get the experience. Unfortunately, science hasn't come up with a way to freeze time just yet, so there is no chance of putting UGA, law school, or my future career on hold. Still, I can dream...

On a different note, it is 10:41, and my entire house has gone to bed. True, that's only my parents and my dog, but still. It's like I live in a nursing home! So here I sit, back in my room, watching Men In Black and listening to the rain.

Day 5

12:10 AM Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »

My dog is an idiot. I've always known he has a screw or six loose upstairs, but sometimes I wonder if his previous owners didn't feed him stupid for breakfast as a puppy.
After class, I went back to my house, partly because I have a few things I have to do back in the hometown this weekend, but also because I have so much crap that I couldn't fit it all in my suitcase. No one was home when I came in, and someone had forgotten to put him in his kennel. He likes to chew his blankets up, mostly the red one up there. Somehow, he managed to chew a hole big enough to put his head through, but not having opposable thumbs, he couldn't get himself back out of it.
I didn't have a camera at the time, but try to picture the scene that I saw:
Snoopy, my dachshund, with his head through a red fleece blanket that was wrapped completely around him (he put one of his back legs through a smaller hole in the other end of the blanket) as well as our dining room table (so that he couldn't move too far), and eating a house plant. This is the same animal who, last year, almost hung himself by jumping off the porch with a leash attached to the grill, making the leash too short to reach to the ground, and who also decided that eating salt water taffy wrappers out of the trash would be a good idea.
I swear, if he was human, he'd be the one in the looney bin who ate crayons and rolled his crap into little balls.

Day 4

12:15 AM Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »

Well, I couldn't really think of anything to take a picture of today, so I decided to go with the book that I just sat around and read for 4 hours. I went out to eat with my big sister from my sorority, and then came back here. The roommate's at work, and since I didn't have anything to do, I thought I'd have a lazy night. =]

I had my first day of classes today. I actually enjoyed all of them, which surprised me. My German Culture professor is one of "those" professors- the ones that you always see in movies who come into class wearing jeans, boots, and a motorcycle coat, and his personality completely redeemed his giving us homework before the first day. Another good professor I have is for my Latin American history course. You can tell he really doesn't enjoy having to teach, and that he's here more to research and work on his book. One of the first things he said in class was "I've been teaching here for 8 very long years. You realize that's shorter than the time served for most felonies?" But he still cares about the students, which is awesome. I'm looking forward to my first history class (cause I'm the genius who, as a history major, forgot to take a history class first semester). Hopefully tomorrow will go as well... but my World Civ history professor kinda scares me! =/

Oh and go SEC for winning the BCS championship!

Day 3

11:00 PM Posted In , , Edit This 2 Comments »

So I'm back in my hell away from home, better known as my shoebox of a dorm room. This is my microscopic excuse for a desk, littered mostly with my books for this semester- yes, there really are that many. I will most likely be spending most of my time this semester with my bum fused to the futon, reading and writing essays. I already had to do this, actually. I had to read for a class I'm not even in yet. Ridiculous.
Anyway, class starts tomorrow. There are a million things I should be doing to prepare, but I'm not. Instead, Randa (the roommate) and I took a trip downstairs for Bugles and Sprite, and are now watching Family Guy. Ah, procrastination. And the semester hasn't even officially started yet. I have a feeling this is just a glimpse of what the next four months will be...
How long til spring break?

Day 2

3:00 PM Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »

Vicks VapoRub is quite possibly the best stuff on the planet. I've been practically snorting it for the past twenty-four hours, as breathing out of my nose isn't exactly happening at the moment, which is why that Kleenex box is pretty empty. Another amazing invention- Kleenex with VapoRub in them! I bought them by accident, but am now taking full advantage. So, I dedicate this post to the noble souls of the Vicks company. My nose thanks them.
Other than thanking God for Kleenex, I haven't really done anything today. I woke up at noon- last day I can do that, since I have to go back to Athens tomorrow. I had an amazing breakfast at Tori's Place (if you live in Gainesville, it's on Bradford St. Go there! It's really good.) with my dad, and now I'm sitting in my room (using wireless!), putting off the packing I have to do to go back. Guess I better quit procrastinating...

Day 1

11:38 PM Posted In , , Edit This 2 Comments »

This is my living room. Sorry for the bad quality, but I took it on my phone because my camera is in my dorm, and even if it wasn't, I'd be too lazy to get up and get it anyway.

Anyway, the significance of this particular picture is that I am on the internet in my living room. Yes, I know, this isn't some spectacular miracle- lots of people have wireless internet. Until today, however, I did not. My dad and I drove to an electronics store about 45 minutes away, in the fog and the rain, mostly because he's cheap, and they had a sale, but also because I had absolutely nothing else to do (gotta love Christmas break). When I got home, I had to set it up.

This was the process:

  1. Start setup wizard
  2. Restart setup wizard after having to turn off all firewalls
  3. Climb under the desk to plug everything in
  4. Search the entire room for the login information to our DSL, which my father wrote down on a random note card, and then promptly misplaced.
  5. Finish setup
  6. Realize it won't connect
  7. Call Netgear Customer Service
  8. Attempt to understand the Indian guy, who was spectacularly unhelpful
  9. Call the AT&T people to get them to switch our DSL modem to a different mode of some kind
  10. Setup again
  11. Scream because it didn't work
  12. Call Netgear again. Unhelpful, again
  13. Call the father of a friend who knows computers
  14. Have him fix the problem in under five minutes
  15. Jump with joy!

So, after here roughly two and a half hours, here I am. In my living room.
