Day 17

11:28 PM Posted In , Edit This 1 Comment »

I just had a cup of grape juice. My mom got in for a penny at Publix and gave it to me, so I brought it back to school. I completely forgot how much I like grape juice- usually I just focus on apple juice (Publix brand, preferably) because... well because that's just what I always have. My mouth and lips, as well as those of the roommate, are a really dark purple, which I think migt be half the fun of drinking it. Well, that and because it's the closest I can get to the taste of kids' grape cough syrup. If it wasn't so bad for me, I'd just down the stuff with or without actual sickness, but I can't, so I'm thinking I'll just stick to grape juice.

On a different note, I'm very proud of myself. I was done with my homework, as well as tomorrow's (because I have a chapter meeting for my pre-law fraternity) done by 8:30, and I even took the time to watch a movie. The Last Legion, by the way, is an excellent movie. Who would think that Colin Firth could go from the gay guy in Mamma Mia to a general in the Roman army?


J.J. in L.A. said...

I love Colin Firth! Did you ever see him in 'Pride and Prejudice' on PBS? *slobber* ; )

I also love grape juice but the person who does the grocery shopping love orange juice. *sigh*