Day 14
10:15 PM Posted In cake , cooking Edit This 3 Comments »
Today I baked a cake. If you know me, then you know what an accomplishment this is- mostly because I can't cook. At all. For example:
Me [in reference to a friend with limited musical ability getting into the UGA School of Music]: It'll never happen.That would be like me trying to be a rocket scientist!
Roommate: ...Stephanie, you probably could be a rocket scientist.
Me: Okay... well like me trying to be a chef.
Roommate: Now that makes sense.
I'm just not very talented when it comes to the kitchen. I like to think it's merely because I'm inexperienced. My mom loves to cook, and therefore does not require me to do any of my own. Regardless of whether or not this is true, I can now add carrot cake (...from a box) to my repertoire. What a banner day!
Congrats! My mom cooks but never offered to teach me. So now, when she tells me that I should've learned, I mutter, "I can't cook because of you."
Makes her feel guilty every time! ; )
Haha. For some reason, our conversation snip made me laugh.
Congrats on your cake.
Baby steps :-)
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