Day 22
2:20 AM Posted In ginger bread men , homework Edit This 1 Comment »

Almost forgot to post again today. Technically it's really tomorrow, but since I haven't gone to bed yet, we're still gonna pretend it's today. I've had a fairly busy day. Lots of homework, on top of sorority stuff. The second picture is from Rush Week, and tonight, following with our Candy Land theme, we decorated ginger bread men. Then the roommate and I decided to go to McDonald's for those extra tasty double cheeseburgers and sweet tea. She made the cup float- that's right- I live with a magician.
Then I came back and did homework for German (which I am highly considering skipping tomorrow... we'll see), Intro to Logic and Critical Thinking, and I finally finished reading and writing about the French Revolution for my Western Civilization class. I had some issues understanding some of it, so I went to my Big Brother's apartment (in my pre-law fraternity) since he's a senior history major and knew exactly what I needed to write. Gotta love friends who stay up late! Anyway, gonna go to bed now... the 8 AM alarm is coming in just a few hours.
I love the double cheeseburgers, I absolutely love the double cheeseburgers. Damn, you made me hungry.
I love staying up late, I love it whenever anyone stays up late. I love talking to them, I love watching them deal with the next day's events on such little sleep, just like you. There's this special bond you have with insomniacs.
And I get that a lot, almost forgetting to post on the daily blog. I'm on my fourth month of blogging and I still forget sometimes.
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