Day 6
10:34 PM Posted In New York , rain Edit This 2 Comments »
I want to go back to New York. I got that picture in Time Square on a marching band trip in March, and just looking at it makes to want to visit. I'd really like to just freeze my life for a year and live there, just to get the experience. Unfortunately, science hasn't come up with a way to freeze time just yet, so there is no chance of putting UGA, law school, or my future career on hold. Still, I can dream...
On a different note, it is 10:41, and my entire house has gone to bed. True, that's only my parents and my dog, but still. It's like I live in a nursing home! So here I sit, back in my room, watching Men In Black and listening to the rain.
I went to NYC in 1988 on a chartered bus from CT for a family reunion. We (the born n' raised Californians) kept saying, "L.A. is so much better!" The bus driver finally asked, "You all live in L.A., do ya?"
Of the 40 people on board, the only ones who lived in L.A. (at the time) were my dad and I. The brothers lived in Colorado, Ohio and Newfoundland. Everyone else lived in CT. I think the bus driver committed himself to an asylum after we all told him where we were from. lol!
I've never been to California, but I've always wanted to. Maybe I'll make it out there someday... after I get done with college and actually have money. =]
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