Day 160

4:07 PM Posted In , , Edit This 3 Comments »

This is my roommate's toilet.


I happened to come across this when I went into her bathroom to get dental floss (I asked first!) and OH MY GOD. You know those bathroom cleanser commercials where they show their amazing product wiping away all the grime? I always wonder, who in the world would actually let things get that dirty. Well... now I guess I know. Seriously, how hard is it to pour Lysol in the toilet and swish a toilet brush around it? I'll tell you. It's not.

Once again...


To clarify, this is not Randa, my old roomie. This is new roomie, who shall remain nameless. What shall I call her? Noomie? New + roomie?


Randa said...

That's really disgusting. Really. Makes me want to scrub down my entire apartment.


And I think the new roommate should get a new name/tag so people don't think this is me.


J.J. in L.A. said...

Is this the roommate with the slacker boyfriend? I think you've found the answer. lol!

Lacey said...

Ohmigosh, right?!?!

At my old apartment the toilets were both super stained before I even moved in. I tried EVERYTHING: bleach, pumice stones, steel wool... NOTHING would remove the grime inside the bowl without also scratching the heck out of the porcelain. I'm a total clean freak (to a fault sometimes, haha)so it was BRUTAL, and I was always so embarrassed when people came over! Bah. I'm glad those days are over. :-)