Day 164

10:53 AM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »


Oh my God it has done nothing but rain for the entire week. Every day, it's drippy, and wet, and puddly, and... rainy. Sometimes it's a really good drenching, other times it's a fairly decent drizzle, and occasionally a weak little mist that coats your glasses so you can't see (which I'm wearing until this weekend, when I can grab another pair of contacts). And when is it going to stop? There's not a single sun to be found on the weather forecast until next Saturday.

Yesterday, I ran to the mailbox. It was not raining. Halfway to the mailbox. It started raining. Not just raining, oh no--POURING. I was drenched within five minutes, and I even had to go change clothes. Not cool. I like rockin my super awesome Republican rain boots, but there's only so much stuff I have that is navy blue.