Day 19

9:52 PM Edit This 2 Comments »

So J.J. tagged me in this little game called Four, or something like it. You go the the 4th picture file and the 4th picture in that file, and write about it. I decided to play along. So there it is!

This is a picture of my parents and me with Governor Purdue of Georgia and his wife Mary that was taken this summer at the governor's mansion in Atlanta. No, I'm not personal friends with the governor, even though that would be really cool. All the valedictorians are invited to the mansion every year for a meal and tour of the mansion. It was a really cool experience-- the '96 Olympic torch was in the foyer, and there was an original signed copy of Gone With The Wind just sitting on a table! I really wanted to steal it... but I think robbing the governor's mansion just might be slightly frowned upon, so I restrained myself. However, if you ever hear of some crazy woman who has been arrested on the charges of stealing a book from the Georgia governor's mansion... well... it's probably me.


J.J. in L.A. said...

Great picture! Thanks for indulging me. ; )

Michael said...

I would've stolen that original copy...
