Day 16

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This is my bed. It may look cozy... but it's not. See how close the ceiling is? Not fun. See how small it is? Not fun. Regardless of this, it's where I'm headed very soon because I'm really full and that makes for a sleepy Stephanie. I had a steaming hot plate of lasagna for dinner because I fell victim to effective advertising and drove all the way to Kroger to get some. I then proceeded to trip the circuit breaker for our room twice in an attempt to microwave it, forcing me to move to the kitchen on our floor. After, we had a "dessert social" where we had different desserts in various rooms on our hall. It was supposed to be so we could meet and mingle with the other girls, but I just grabbed my cookies and ice cream and ran. I'm anti-social. =]

Today was, once again, just another homework-filled day in the Arctic. I wore jeans, tights under jeans, socks, tennis shoes, a camisole, shirt, cardigan, wool peacoat, thick scarf, leather gloves, and a hat, and I was still freezing all day. How does that work? I don't understand... I live in Georgia. It's not usually the tropics down here during winter, but it's most certainly not supposed to be The Day Afer Tomorrow out there. What's worse is it's this cold and not snowing, and so I still have to go to class in the morning. Which is why I'm going to bed. Yay for sleep before midnight!


J.J. in L.A. said...

Haha! That reminds me of this post I wrote...

I admit it...