Day 2

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Vicks VapoRub is quite possibly the best stuff on the planet. I've been practically snorting it for the past twenty-four hours, as breathing out of my nose isn't exactly happening at the moment, which is why that Kleenex box is pretty empty. Another amazing invention- Kleenex with VapoRub in them! I bought them by accident, but am now taking full advantage. So, I dedicate this post to the noble souls of the Vicks company. My nose thanks them.
Other than thanking God for Kleenex, I haven't really done anything today. I woke up at noon- last day I can do that, since I have to go back to Athens tomorrow. I had an amazing breakfast at Tori's Place (if you live in Gainesville, it's on Bradford St. Go there! It's really good.) with my dad, and now I'm sitting in my room (using wireless!), putting off the packing I have to do to go back. Guess I better quit procrastinating...