Day 5

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My dog is an idiot. I've always known he has a screw or six loose upstairs, but sometimes I wonder if his previous owners didn't feed him stupid for breakfast as a puppy.
After class, I went back to my house, partly because I have a few things I have to do back in the hometown this weekend, but also because I have so much crap that I couldn't fit it all in my suitcase. No one was home when I came in, and someone had forgotten to put him in his kennel. He likes to chew his blankets up, mostly the red one up there. Somehow, he managed to chew a hole big enough to put his head through, but not having opposable thumbs, he couldn't get himself back out of it.
I didn't have a camera at the time, but try to picture the scene that I saw:
Snoopy, my dachshund, with his head through a red fleece blanket that was wrapped completely around him (he put one of his back legs through a smaller hole in the other end of the blanket) as well as our dining room table (so that he couldn't move too far), and eating a house plant. This is the same animal who, last year, almost hung himself by jumping off the porch with a leash attached to the grill, making the leash too short to reach to the ground, and who also decided that eating salt water taffy wrappers out of the trash would be a good idea.
I swear, if he was human, he'd be the one in the looney bin who ate crayons and rolled his crap into little balls.