Day 55

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Sunday was quite the hectic day. If you watched the Weather Channel, you might know that it snowed in the Georgia. Now, for those of you who live up north, this is no big deal - it happens all winter, so what's the big deal? In the south, though, it's another story entirely. We see snow maybe once a year, and it's usually an inch or two, maybe less, but dear God, it's a crisis. We're just not equipped to handle it! School gets cancelled, people race to the store to get the essentials, and everybody and their brother bundles up to go outside and build a one foot high snowman or slide down the slush/mud mixture. This time, though, we got more than two inches - a whole eight inches in Athens!

I, however, was not in Athens, since it was my dad's birthday weekend. I got up and hung around the house a bit, with the intentions of driving back around 3 so that I could beat the weather. It started flurrying around 2:30 though, but it wasn't too bad, so I packed my car and changed into my boots and warm clothes. As I was walking out the door, I got a frantic call from the roommate, who was still in Athens, saying that the roads were covered with snow and there was almost zero visibility. I decided to stay put for the night, since I rather like life. But about an hour later, the rain and snow stopped, and it looked like the sky was clearing up. Green light to make a run for it while I could. But the farther away from Gainesville I got, the worse the conditions were. After I almost skidded off the road near Talmo, less than halfway there, I decided I was insane for trying to drive (especially when I hadn't driven in snow before, at least not this heavy). Those pictures were taken while I was waiting to turn around. Not ideal for this Georgia girl.

After getting home, I found out UGA would be closed the next day - I got a snow day in college! I spent my night in front of a roaring fire with homemade chicken noodle soup and cornbread. I worked on my lovely German Culture homework and watched Lord of the Rings on TV with my dad, all the while hearing stories of power outages (meaning those in the high rise dorms had to climb the stairs to get to their rooms, which would've meant 7 stories for me), downed tree limbs (one of which fell on someone), and panic all around in Athens, which got pretty hammered with the white stuff for a place in Georgia.