Day 32

11:38 PM Posted In , Edit This 2 Comments »

I'M GOING TO OXFORD!! I got my acceptance letter... well, acceptance email, but it was still exciting... today, and I cannot be happier. To be in a place that old... the history buff in me is ecstatic!

So, I had a really good day. I'm going to England, found jeans that fit perfectly (a feat that is rarely accomplished), got to eat my mom's homemade fried chicken, and did well in my Logic class. The only bad part was that I couldn't finish my crossword puzzle, which was depressing. Not even the website I use to cheat could help me =[

Lastly, for anyone who likes random facts, Mental Floss's Random Fact Generator is completely addicting. Try it.


J.J. in L.A. said...

Congratulations!!! : )

kasheyev said...

One of my best college pals spent a semester at Oxford and spent his time back home wishing he was back at Oxford. You'll have a great time.