Day 33

11:57 PM Posted In , Edit This 1 Comment »

I don't know if you can tell, but that's a door. And, yes, that's a paper towel shoved in where the door knob should be. My father finds the most redneck of ways to improvise... As you may already know, our house is in the process of being re-painted. I wish I had taken a picture of the living room, which has all the furniture pushed in the middle with plastic covering it. The door handles, like this one, have been removed, and there is a fine layer of Sheetrock dust covering almost everything in the entire house. Ah, renovation. I do have a pretty awesome new bathroom though!

Other than try to navigate my maze of a house, I went out with my dad on the motorcycle Saturday. It was gorgeous weather - mid to high 60s and sunny. We drove up to Helen, a tourist-type town modeled in a German style. We had milkshakes (made from real ice cream, not the powder in a machine king), walked down to the river, and went in a couple of shops. All in all, a great day. And with steak at the end! I have no complaints whatsoever, which I think are the best days of them all.


kasheyev said...

We have a similar door situation between our kitchen and porch. The door was removed for airflow when the weather was warm, but we've had to improvise when we put the doors back up by just using the nonfunctional handles. Paper towel's a good bet.

A good milkshake is very hard to find. My father and I would often scout milkshake places to find the best in an area. We would use my father's technique of ordering a malted chocolate milkshake on the condition that vanilla ice cream be used. It makes a big difference.